What Was He Thinking?
Guido | NY United States | 01/06/2005
(1 out of 5 stars)
"By far and away the WORST Lucio Fulci movie ever made. Luckily for me I rented this movie before I decided to add it to my collection. The description of the movie made it sound interesting enough to rent and being a big fan of the Fulci trademark movies I thought it would be pretty good. Sweet house of horrors has none of the trademark Fulci gore which was quite a let down not to the mention the movie is just absolutely a waste of time. By this point in his career I think Fulci just ran out of ideas and threw this together witout much effort. Even the trademark eyeball scene was sub par at best.
If you're a "HUGE" fan of Lucio Fulci and haven't seen this film I recommend strongly that you rent it first. If your looking for a good Fulci movie may I suggest "Zombie" or "The Beyond". Don't waste your time with this unimaginative, dull, pointless film. It's really that bad!"
J. Clark | Washington, DC | 10/31/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Don't be so easily put off by the critics! THIS IS NOT A TYPICAL FILM OF FULCI. If you are looking for THE BEYOND look elsewhere.
Imagine a kids film from the viewpoint of children laced with strong grahic violence with a surreal dream like quality and an underlying sadistic theme of revenge.
I have seen just over 30 of Fulci's films and this would be in my top 5. Don't miss it !"
I liked it
GreatMovieCriticForever | 06/27/2007
(3 out of 5 stars)
"People keep comparing it to other Lucio flicks but I liked it because it wasn't like the other Fulci flicks. One person on another site said it best calling it a fairy tale. It's a fairy tale but with dark overtones.
Still I really thought it was decent. Sort of like a "Tales of the Darkside" type of atmosphere with the parents being killed then coming back as ghosts and speaking to the kids (who are the only ones that see them while the relatives think they're nuts).
Acting was ok. There's even a few comedy moments in the film (guy's hand melting and the crane that has a mind of it's own, the old man whose a psychic, conjurer whatever he is confronting the spirits.
I think if you're in for a different type of movie from the director this is worth looking at. For me it's a type of love story that expands even through death."
What the hell.....
J. Kramer | Bronx/Queens , NY | 03/06/2005
(2 out of 5 stars)
"I cant believe Lucio Fulci made this film, its with out a doubt his worst movie ever. The only good part is when the guy robbing the home gets his throat sliced. The whole movie I waited for Gore or action or something and it never came and that was dissapointing. Check it out if you find it for $5-$10 and $10 is to much but, its Fulci so I will keep it in my collection. A great Fulci flick is Zombi and The Beyond along with 2 more decent flicks being "house by the cemetary" and "City Of the Living Dead." but all 4 are worth the buy well to me atlest"