A plucky police woman infiltrates a group of hardened female criminals who are planning to break jail and retrieve their loot of diamonds from its swampy hiding place. However complications arise when the women decide to a... more »bduct an officer and in turn begin fighting each other. Swamp Women is a true cult favorite form the Master of Horror Roger Corman!System Requirements: Running Time 70 MinFormat: DVD MOVIE Genre: HORROR Rating: NR UPC: 787364484591 Manufacturer No: 44845-9« less
Bindy Sue Frønkünschtein | under the rubble | 04/13/2004
(3 out of 5 stars)
"I'm not a big fan of Roger Corman's cheaper-looking monsters (as in "the creature from haunted sea" et al), however, SWAMP WOMEN could certainly have used one of Corman's 8' styrofoam space-turds to spice things up a bit! Instead, we've got four women, consisting of 3 "hardened" criminals and one undercover cop, floating trough the bayou. We've also got Mike Conners and his half-wit girlfriend as hostages. It seems the "Nardo Girls" have escaped from prison in search of $200,000.00 in stolen diamonds. Unbeknownst to them, a policewoman is posing as their partner in crime. We get to see Conners tied to several trees, and his dopey girlfriend gets (thank you God) eaten by alligators. Eventually, the diamonds are found, the girls have one catfight after another (the only real highlight), and one decides to sneak off with both the diamonds and Mike Conners! This leads to her demise at the end of a spear. Beverly Garland isn't bad, but everyone else had me wishing for more gator attacks!. This film is 70 minutes long and would have been much better at 50 or so. Watch it if there's nothing else to do..."
Certainly Unique!
Lonnie E. Holder | Columbus, Indiana, United States | 08/22/2007
(2 out of 5 stars)
"A group of three women have hidden diamonds somewhere. The women were captured and sent to prison, but they have yet to confess the location of the diamonds. Fortunately (or unfortunately, depending on whether you are an audience member for this movie), the police have a clever plot to locate the diamonds. A female police officer (Carole Mathews) is going to prison to infiltrate the gang. She will help the three women escape and let them lead her to the location of the hidden diamonds. My only question is: Why didn't I think of that?
While we see the setup for the great jail break, we also get to see Bob Matthews (played by Touch, later Mike, Conners, star of "Mannix"; Conners has appeared in hundreds of movies and television episodes, including "Island in the Sky" with John Wayne) and his girl friend wandering about, apparently at Mardi Gras in New Orleans. Eventually they end up boating in the same swamp as...
The prison break ladies have made their getaway. Unfortunately, they require new transportation. Just about that time Bob and his girl friend show up in a boat. What a coincidence! At first, the three tough-as-hangnails prison babes want to kill Bob and his girl friend, but the undercover police woman convinces the women that the pair would be better as hostages versus alligator snacks.
The police plan works, except now Bob and his girl friend are tagging along. Things get pretty boring from this point forward, so director Roger Corman livens things up by having the ladies get into fights. The fights look over-exaggerated, but they sure are fun! We also get to see macho man Connors tied to a tree while a hot prison babe cozies up to him. See, the excitement knows no bounds!
Roger Corman is generally better when he has a rubber monster floating about somewhere. We only get a poor defenseless alligator in this movie. Against three prison babes, a police woman and Mike Connors, I felt sorrier for the alligator than I did for his intended prey. The alligator would have just got indigestion anyway (kind of like the audience).
In order to want this film you have to be a really, REALLY big fan of Roger Corman or one of the people appearing in this movie. If you are not a really big fan, why bother? This movie has a weak plot and the acting is frequently over-the-top. When the acting is not hammy, it is corny. The movie is so slow in places that I had a hard time staying awake.
There are a few movies where you wonder why you spent the time to watch it. This movie definitely falls into that category. Unless you are trying to fill out your collection of Roger Corman or Mike Connors movies, try "Attack of the Giant Leeches" or "Humanoids from the Deep."
Good luck - you'll need it!
Bayou Babes
Alex Zydorczyk | 01/04/2007
(2 out of 5 stars)
"I bought this movie thinking it would be an old horror movie. I can't say I was necessarily disappointed since I was still mildly entertained. To sum it up 3 tough as nails criminals (haha) and an undercover cop go into the jungle to find diamonds. They come across some guy and his girl, kidnap them and their boat. Then lots of nothing happens but they still film it anyways. Also, an animal was severely injured during the making of this film, so beware. I wouldn't recommend this movie to anybody who doesn't already have a passion for olden day movies. Although it does have its funny moments I assume most will fall asleep like the people I watched it with."
Cheesy Fun
Lee | 09/12/2004
(3 out of 5 stars)
"This movie was made around 1955 so the above "1941" listed year is 14 years too early. I haven't seen this DVD version but I have seen the film. Swamp Woman was not intended to be taken seriously! It is a mans' fantasy film about beautiful women convicts holding a handsome guy and his girl-friend hostage in the swamp! heee! A sort of guilty pleasure. My enjoyment of this film is watching Beverly Garland, who is always wonderful to look at!"
Mildly Amusing Roger Corman Hokum
Mary | Toronto | 04/13/2005
(2 out of 5 stars)
""Swamp Women" is generally regarded as one of the worst films by B-movie auteut Roger Corman (it was on "Mystery Science Theater" as well as in the Medveds' old book "50 Worst Films of All Time"). It's the story of four tough-talkin' prison girls who go to a swamp to find some hidden diamonds. Along the way they kidnap a strapping young man and his cowardly wife, who abruptly dies early on. This isn't one of Corman's more entertaining cheapies, although it has its moments. The alligator wrestling scene is a high point in the history of bad movies, and the hilariously macho prison girls (including regular Corman leading lady Beverly Garland) inspire a few giggles.
The DVD from Brentwood is, unsurprisingly for a bargain-bin disc, unexceptional. The colour image is murky and faded, while the sound often seems muffled. That being said, I doubt there are any pristine versions of "Swamp Women" to use as a master. There are no extras."