Pretty good with a twist.
Daveomatic | 08/19/2005
(4 out of 5 stars)
"A pilot of a 747 jetliner, Captain Keller, who's 747 suffers a bomb blast shortly after takeoff and 300 passengers are incinerated as the plane explodes into flames. A short time latter, keller is found wandering unharmed and quite unable to understand how he has survived. The mystery deepends as Keller is taken down the path of both the "Sixth Sense" and "Unbreakable" have followed."
Flight Of The Damned...
Bindy Sue Frønkünschtein | under the rubble | 08/17/2008
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Capt. David Keller (Robert Powell from Asylum) is the only survivor of a tragic explosion aboard a 747 filled w/ 300 passengers and crew. He walks away from the flaming wreckage, dazed, and unable to remember what happened. A series of strange, fatal "accidents" befall those who get involved w/ the disaster, including a nosey photographer and his wife. A mysterious, ghostly girl appears to lead them to their doom. Meanwhile, Keller is joined by a psychic named Hobbs (Jenny Agutter from An American Werewolf In London), and together they must figure out why the dead are so ticked off. The answer to this question fuels the big finalé, where all is revealed, and the restless spirits receive the justice / vengeance they demand. THE SURVIVOR is a tasty crawler of a movie w/ mystery, suspense, and a fair amount of ghoulishness..."