In SURVIVOR: CHINA, the fifteenth season of the popular series, the Far East meets the west - with 16 castaways eager to prove their worth. The season opens on the bustling streets of Shanghai followed by a welcome ceremon... more »y at a Buddhist Temple ? an experience that was more than one castaway bargained for. Then, in the Buddhist spirit of leaving worldly possessions behind, the castaways are told they will enter the game with only the clothes on their backs. After being split into tribes, Fei Long (Flying Dragon) and Zhan Hu (Fighting Tiger), they're stranded on separate islands in the middle of Zhelin Lake, and each tribe is given a copy of Sun Tzu's The Art of War for motivation and assistance throughout the game. In a new twist, each week, the winning tribe of the reward challenge is allowed to kidnap someone from the losing tribe. Later, one castaway mistakenly believes she's found a hidden immunity idol and shocks the tribe when she tries to play it. And for the first time, someone comes into possession of two hidden immunity idols, but how long will he be safe keeping them in his pockets? Find out whether there is any art in war and who will be the sole survivor in this DVD set."
Disc 1: 1. A Chicken's A Little Bit Smarter 2. My Mom Is Going To Kill Me!
Disc 2: 1. I Lost Two Hands And Possibly A Shoulder! 2. Ride The Workhorse Till The Tail Falls Off 3. Love Is In The Air 4. That's Love, Baby! It Makes You Strong!
Disc 3: 1. I'm Not As Dumb As I Look 2. High School Friend Contest 3. Just Don't Eat The Apple
Disc 4: 1. It's Been Real And It's Been Fun 2. Ready To Bite The Apple 3. Going For The Oscar 4. Hello, I'm Still A Person!
Disc 5: 1. A Slippery Little Sucker 2. The Reunion« less