Superman: The Animated Series - Volume Two!
Servo | Atlanta, GA USA | 09/16/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Prepare for the ultimate flight in adventure with Superman: The Animated Series - Volume Two. Featuring guest-star superheroes Batman, Dr. Fate and Steel, while introducing memorable villains Bizarro, Mr. Mxyzptlk, Kalibak and Darkseid ("THAT is who I am."), this 2-disc set (390 min.) contains the 2nd wave of 18 episodes from the series. First-rate scripts and quality voice acting propel the episodes in this collection, which includes the 3-part Batman/Superman classic "World's Finest", "Ghost in the Machine", "Brave New Metropolis", "The Hand of Fate" and the excellent "The Late Mr. Kent" with a "killer" finale. Another splendid collection of Superman episodes awaits you. Here are the contents of this 2nd super-set:
Disc 1:
Identity Crisis
Action Figures
Double Dose
Solar Power
Disc 2, Side A:
Monkey Fun
Brave New Metropolis
Ghost in the Machine
World's Finest: Part 1
World's Finest: Part 2
World's Finest: Part 3
Disc 2, Side B:
Father's Day
The Hand of Fate
Bizarro's World
The Late Mr. Kent
Heavy Metal
Special Features:
Video Commentary: "Mxyzpixilated" by Bruce Timm (Producer), Paul Dini (Producer), Dan Riba (Director) and Moderator Jason Hillhouse.
Audio Commentary: "Brave New Metropolis" by Bruce Timm (Producer), Paul Dini (Producer), Alan Burnett (Producer), Glen Murakami (Art Director), and Dan Riba (Director).
Audio Commentary: "World's Finest Part 1" by Bruce Timm (Producer), Paul Dini (Producer), Alan Burnett (Producer), Glen Murakami (Art Director), and Dan Riba (Director).
Featurette: "Menaces of Metropolis: Behind the Villians of Superman": The Origin and Evolution of Superman's Adversaries.
Well worth the wait, and HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!"
Solid animated superhero action
N. Durham | Philadelphia, PA | 11/08/2005
(4 out of 5 stars)
"While Warner Bros. Superman animated series never lived up to the excellence of the Batman animated series, this second volume of the series contains plenty of solid animated superhero action for all ages. Tim Daly once again provides the voice for the Man of Steel, while Dana Delany is Lois Lane once again, and the always excellent Clancy Brown is once again the nefarious Lex Luthor. The episodes collected here include the 3-part "World's Finest" arc (which is also included on the upcoming Batman animated series Vol. 4 DVD set) in which we see the first cross-over event with Superman and Batman as they take on the Joker and Luthor. Also featured here are the first animated appearences of allies Dr. Fate and Steel, and Supes faces off against Bizzaro, Mr. Mxyzptlk, Metallo, Darkseid (voiced by Michael Ironside), and others as well, including a smashing episode where Lois finds herself in an alternate and dark future where Luthor and Superman teamed together to form a totalitarian world. While many of the episodes here are more or less aimed towards a younger audience, the strikingly mature "The Late Mr. Kent" finds Superman faking the death of his reporter alter-ego to find a killer, with the end results being a bit of a shock. All in all, just like the previous volume, the Superman animated series is solid superhero excitement that all ages can enjoy, and there's actually some decent extras here including some great commentaries by the crew."
Superman continues to soar
Simon | Brampton, ON | 09/13/2005
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Superman: The Animated Series Vol. 2 packs in another 18 episodes of the now-classic WB animated series. This series had a truncated run of only 54 episodes, and will be completed when vol. 3 is released in 2006.
There's a lot of a-list episodes in this set. The highlight is definitely the first meeting between Superman and Batman called "World's Finest," previously available in a single disc edition called "The Batman/Superman Movie." Other notables include the first appearances of Dr. Fate and Steel, and also Superman villains Bizzaro and Mr. Mxyzptlk. There's a trip to a totalitarian alternate universe where Superman and Luthor have joined forces, and another episode where Clark Kent seemingly dies. Even look for an episode that ties directly into the 2nd season finale of Justice League Unlimited.
And yet there's some clunkers as well. Depending on your tastes the series often fell flat when it resorted to action-heavy episodes that shorted characterization and development. The Metallo episodes are pretty bland, as is a team-up with Parasite and Livewire. Luminus is a gimmicky villain in a generic spandex costume, and the episode with the giant monkey grows old fast. The set is also pretty light on the ongoing Darkseid plot, and his most notable appearances have been saved for vol. 3.
Nitpics aside, Superman: vol. 2 is another great set worth picking up for fans and those wanting to get something worthwhile for their children. They could've loaded the extra features with more commentaries, but that's WB for ya. Snap this set up and soar with the man of steel."
No worries about missing episodes...
James L. Harleman | Seattle, WA | 12/18/2005
(4 out of 5 stars)
"People have complained about "missing episodes" - don't worry, there are actually 18 more in the series which, based on the episode list of 18 in this volume, means we're looking at a volume 3 in the near future. Chronologically, this volume is right on track and the others will inevitably come.
Superman and Batman are such different characters, it's hard to "compare" the series as many reviewers simply prefer the Batman character, so they naturally like the Bat eps better. I do think some of Timm and Dini's most thoughtful work overall was on early episodes of the Batman animated series, but they've still given us the best version of Superman to hit the screen since Richard Donner made us believe a man can fly."