Fantastic martial arts action
(5 out of 5 stars)
"a great movie, spectacular action scenes. gaines gives a very convincing performance in this fantastic film."
Rob Nile | Bremerton, Wa United States | 03/03/2001
(4 out of 5 stars)
"This movie Has some fantastic work. I have low standards for martial arts plots but I really loved this movie. My only complaints are as follows. note I am not being sarcastic 1)It seems to be made for children. the uniforms and the charicters do (by the movies own admission) look like eighties style pro wrestling. The main charicter Jack Cody played by Brandon Gains acts like a child that babysitters charge extra for. He's skinny and full of energy but that helps make him the best flying kicker I have ever seen. (he still looks about 70 pounds)2) The choreogropher doesn't seem to work within limits. These fights are some of the most physically demanding bits I have ever seen. Sure Brandon Gains doesn't have too much body to lift so he can fly all over, but for guest star Keith Hackney (yup the UFC guy) the flying is too much for him and the combos look like crap. most of the time the fighters can manage but it looks bad when some fighters try to use moves in combat that they haven't quite gotten the hang of yet3) the bad guy (keith vitali) is the worst villan ever. Not only does he have the cheeziest lines to repeat but he, being somone who cares only about money has no problem killing off all of his money making fighters. He even kills somone running their head through a wooden ceiling fan. He has officially earned the "Outrageously Bad Actors Award" believe me he earned it. With that in mind this movie is great. There is at least one fight or training sequence in every five minutes of fim, and this more than makes up for defects defects in the silly old plot. Half these movies dont even really have a plot. This one's even enjoyable! I'd love to see more of Brandon Gains and choreoghapher Tony Leung. Keep an eye out for this one. It has some great stuff"
"Are you really a hero?"
Mike Schorn | APO, AE United States | 10/30/2009
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Of all the east-meets-west styled films presented by Ng See Yuen, "Superfights" here is probably the least -known, probably because it flaunts the least-known stars of the bunch; no Jean-Claude Van Damme or Gary Daniels to be found here. Luckily, we've got a cast that's just as impressive as anything the series has given us thus far, and despite the film's quasi-reputation of being the worst or cheesiest of the collection, I didn't think it any less enjoyable than the movies that came before or after it.
The story: Jack Cody (Brandon Gaines, in his only film role) is a young martial artist and avid fan of TV's sensational karate/wrestling reality show, "Superfights". When he rescues a young woman (Yu Fei Hong, A Thousand Years of Good Prayers) from a mugging using his self-taught karate skills, he's heralded an American hero and invited to join the TV program. Unbeknownst to him, however, his dream-come-true will turn into a nightmare upon finding out that not only are the televised fights rigged, but the whole show is a setup for manager Robert Sawyer (Keith Vitali, Revenge of the Ninja) to run a crime ring that impacts the lives of Jack's friends and family.
Is there fighting? Yes, yes yes! And oh yes, it's good stuff! Director/choreographer Tony Leung ("Ip Man") wrangles some darn fine hand-to-hand encounters that would make Hollywood turn green with envy for their speed, technical know-how, acrobatics, and ingenuity. There are about nine of these fights, set among a couple of shorter scuffles, performed by top underrated talent: martial artists Gaines and Vitali, as well as Kelly Gallant (Tc 2000 [VHS]), Chuck Jeffreys (Bloodmoon), Cliff Lenderman (American Shaolin: King of Kickboxers 2), Willie Johnson ("WMAC Masters"), and kickboxer/pro wrestler Rob Van Dam (Black Mask 2: City of Masks), among others, light up the screen to the point that there really isn't a bad fight among the pack...although the best of the best has to be the final showdown between Gaines and Vitali, which can match McKinney/Van Damme, Avedon/Hues, or Daniels/Shahlavi any day.
When the fighting stops, however, we're left to contend with the thoroughly interesting dramatics that have become a trademark of the See Yuen series...and nope, none of the cast can act their way out of an empty dojo. Brandon Gaines doesn't fail dramatically as much as Kurt McKinney or Loren Avedon did in earlier features, but dammit - that's still some damn bad acting going on. There are plenty of silly/funny/cheesy scenes to point and snort at, like when Jack gets smacked around by his girlfriend's tai chi-practicing grandfather (Patrick Lung-Kong), or the aftermath of mugging wherein he jogs to sentimental music and schoolchildren yell "Hey, there's the hero!", or the rather blatant sexual harassment he suffers at the hands of his theatrically-stunted older trainer, Kelly Gallant. If you believe such things would hinder your movie-watching experience, then don't give this film another thought...but if you, like me, love the cheesiness for the sake of cheesiness, then "Superfights" is definitely for you.
If you're still not convinced, then tell me many films have their own theme song, huh?
On the fun-ness scale, "Superfights" ranks high, though you can't watch it too many times in a row - as great as it is, the film has the potential to cause lasting brain damage. Still, fans of the series know it's all worth it, so if you're game to awesome fighting and nothing substantially else, pick this one out and knock yourself out; you probably will, since this movie is guaranteed to compel spontaneous karate kicking."
"Superfighter!" (the greatest theme song, ever)
morgoth | omaha, NE | 07/21/2008
(3 out of 5 stars)
"This is such an unbelievably stupid movie. Possibly the worst Seasonal movie I have seen that features English speaking actors. Seasonal did the No Retreat No Surrender movies, American Shaolin, and Bloodmoon. And I have to say that this is my least favorite. The fight scenes are quite good, and there are a lot of really talented action performers, but unfortunately the movie is so stupid it's hard to actually enjoy it. I highly enjoy movies that are so good that they are bad, but this isn't one of them. It starts out with a great cheesy scene showing the lead actor training by practicing his kicks and jumping off trampolines, but the cheese gets lower in quality as the movie goes on. The lead actor has good fighting skills, but he's so tiny and young looking, it's impossible to take him serious. On the positive side, the fights are really good. Cliff Lenderman (the muscular monk from Americal Shaolin), gets a ton of fight time. And when I say muscular, I mean that he is HUGE. And you can tell he is a real martial artist, and probably something of a body builder too. And there are guys who are even bigger than him. Also on hand are the amazing skills of Keith Vitali and Chuck Jefferys. So as long as you don't expect a good movie, just a ton good fights, you will probably enjoy it.
The DVD from Pathfinder has pretty good picture quality, and as always, Pathfinder delivers with the special features, this time with a commentary from producer/writer Keith Strandburg and actor Chuck Jeffreys. It's a real treat. They don't actually do a lot of talking, but good information provided when they do."