Butch Mario & the Luigi - Kid Koopa the Kid has kidnapped the Princess and hidden her in the Old West, and when Mario and Luigi ride into town to save her they find Koopa has branded them wanted outlaws with rewards on... more » their heads.
The Provalone Ranger Mario teams up with a friendly mushroom Indian named Pronto to rescue his friends from Billy The Koopa in the Wild West. The Great Gold Coin Rush The Marios discover the Mother Lode of Gold Coins, but -- Klaimjump Koopa rides in and takes over.
The 10 Koopmandments Our heroes travel to Desertland where they discover Koop-Tut has enslaved the Desertlanders and is enforcing an evil set of rules known as the Ten Koopmandments.
The Great BMX Race To save Toads life, Mario and Luigi are tricked into a disaster-strewn Boy's Motor Cross bicycle race with three of Koopa's sneakiest minions.« less