Too a bore
David Carlin | Philadelphia, PA USA | 04/10/2005
(3 out of 5 stars)
"I loved the original "On Any Sunday", and these other two installments were generally put together by Bruce Brown's Son Dana Brown. Dana generally edited some older footage not used in the original. One of my issues with this is the subtitling. Appears it was put together on Microsoft Front Page. The music on these are rather pityful and it gets generally annoying as the film progresses. I think Dana should probably begin doing some things on his own witout re-hashing bits of his fathers work."
Kathryn Sayre | 12/26/2008
(1 out of 5 stars)
"This movie was purchased for me by my wife who thought she was getting the real thing. This is strictly a for profit use of the title of a FABULOUS motion picture. It might be able to stand on it's own if it had been presented and explained as a collection of old film that has been re-cut and reedited and then repackaged using a famous title in the hopes that people will buy it not realizing the difference. I put the film in this morning with great anticipation - my wife joined me to watch the film I have talked about so much - and then she actually cried when she realized that this was just a great titled rip off to separate people like her from their money. I am sure that those who made this POC are laughing all the way to the bank!"