Well.... at least it's better than Screaming Dead.
Johny Bottom | Jacksonville, NC | 04/18/2005
(3 out of 5 stars)
"Which isn't saying much. This movie could have been called Living Room Nightmare because that's where 90% of the movie takes place. The only outside scene is the backyard for a five minute dialog.
Basiclly this movie boils down to a cannabilistic husband and wife who are in dire need of a marriage counselor. The wife was pretty hot and I thought it unfortunate she didn't get a nude scene. She reminded me of a girl I worked with at McDonald's who I wanted real bad.
Anyway. These two have flashbacks which are pretty uninteresting as they try to figure out where their marriage went bad. They have a daughter who's supposed to be asleep upstairs, but manages to give plenty of lines. The only other cast is another husband and wife who are poisoned at dinner and a couple of cops who show up later at the door.
This movie is good to watch once, but a second time would be rather dull."
'Til Death...
Bindy Sue Frønkünschtein | under the rubble | 07/31/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"SUBURBAN NIGHTMARE is the twisted tale of the Rosenblads (played by Brandy Little and Trent Haaga). The Rosenblads are your typical american couple, except for the fact that they're a pair of serial-killing cannibals. It's great that they share a common interest, but alas, this doesn't stop them from quarreling over the little annoyances in life. Anyone who is married can attest to the fact that the things we found endearing or "cute" about our partners in the beginning, tend to become very old in the long run. It's no different for the Rosenblads. They fight over the silliest stuff, like who killed who and what victim would best augment the main course. The poor Rosenblads allow the very murderous pathologies that drew them together to come between them, with disastrous results. Oh yeah, they have a young daughter too. She is much loved by her maniacal parents (in a sociopathic sort of way), but she's also in a lot of danger! Can this little family survive their deadly dysfunction? SN is the blackest of comedies, w/ some social satire and a few gallons of blood for good measure. I found it wickedly funny and pleasantly disturbing. The squeamish might want to avoid the Rosenblad clan at any cost. Bon appetite..."
Not worth seeing
Richard Harriman | 08/17/2007
(1 out of 5 stars)
"My wife and I tried, really tried to watch this movie, and it went nowhere. It was probably the biggest disappointment we've seen in years. Boring, and so s-l-o-w you feel like cutting off your own limbs for entertainment. We give this an all toes down."
A review from someone who has never been married
Topper In Missouri | Joplin, MO | 11/20/2005
(3 out of 5 stars)
"Since I have never been married, a lot of the marrital bickering that goes on between these two psychpaths is not very interesting to me. I watched this movie for the BDSM aspect only. Since most of the action in this movie involves the husbund and wife stabbing, shooting, and otherwise trying to destroy each other, I was disappointed with the it. I would have loved to have seen more scenes like what happens in chapter 4 where the female lead has a scene where she is dominating a young woman she has kept locked in the torture room for three months. She treats her as if she is a dog that she is instilling disipline in. "Kris, The Pet", is shackled to to a wooden pole in the middle of the room, in the dark with a wash rag in her mouth, wearing only her underwear. Kris isn't allowed to to let go of the rag, and untill the command of "release" is given. There is a bowl of water near her, but she is only allowed to drink when the female lead gives her a handfull of water to drink out of her hand.
The other scence that I liked was near the middle of the movie when the husband ties the wife down to the living room table, and then puts a hot clothes iron on her stomach. To keep her from being able to esacpe the pain by passing out, he injects her with amphethemine before putting the iron on her....I realize the character of the daughter was in the movie the add depth to the characters, but it seemed like the writters didn't really know what to do with her. At the end of the movie I was wondering what happened to her, dead or not? A figment of the killers imagination? The figment idea I got from watching the extras.