I like my vampires cold, dead, ugly, and hungry...Radu style
Schtinky | California | 07/08/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Subspecies is the first in a four part movie series involving Radu, the baddest vampire in town. True, this is a Full Moon production, which equals cheesy horror, but it is definately cheesy horror in its very best form.Radu is a vampire of the old school, he doesn't want to fit in with the living or find true love or apologize for what he is; he is a vampire and seems to be pretty taken with himself on that level. Our first introduction to Radu is when he kills his father in order to take possession of the Bloodstone, a vampire family heirloom that allows them to survive a long time without a fresh "meal", and gives them power by drinking from it.Here also we meet the "subspecies", little creatures (make from claymation, not FX) that Radu creates by breaking off his own fingers. They become his tiny minions and assist him in taking the Bloodstone.Meanwhile, three college girls arrive in Transylvania, and stay together at an old monastery nearby the broken remains of Radu's castle home. Also staying at the monastery is Radu's long estranged brother, Stefan. Radu and Stefan have no love for each other, though both seem to be attracted to the lovely Michele.Girls get bit and girls scream, and there is a silly "Festival of the Dead" where everybody puts on paper-mache masks, a little bit of nudity, and in the end it all boils down to human vs vampire as do all good vampire flicks.What makes Subspecies special is Radu himself. He is pasty white, has great fangs, long clawed hands, sleeps in a coffin, and drools...a LOT. He's also a very messy eater, and moves through the film with that bloody, slimy grin we have all grown to love.In the end, Michele is the only one of the three girls left, and after Radu mixed his blood with hers, his brother Stefan "saves" her by biting her and turning her into a vampire also.Lovely ending...but remember that there are three more movies...So far, the first three Subspecies movies are only available as used VHS tapes, often costing a great deal of money. The fourth movie is already out on DVD, so hopefully the rest will be soon. Even on VHS, there is a nice "behind the scenes" feature at the end of the tape, along with previews of other Full Moon productions.If you are a vampire purist, you should love this film. Enjoy!"
DVD now available
Sebastian Noirsangre | Dark Of Night, California | 02/07/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
You can purchase the DVD for 1 and 2 in Spanish versions for 20 bucks each. There is an option to turn off the spanish subtitles, so you get the english language version on DVD and don't have to pay a fortune for a sucky (pun intended) VHS copy that some creep is charging $150.00 for.
Now go get your SUBSPECIES! You bloodsuckers!"
Not Especially Original But Fun!
Antoinette Avalon | USA | 08/02/2002
(3 out of 5 stars)
"This is the beginning of a series that you have to watch even though its full of every worn out story line and ridiculous dialog. There is nonetheless an appeal that compels you to go back and pick up every addition in the series. The premise is the good vampire Stefan battles his evil half brother Radu over the fate of the woman they both fell in love with. I think one of the biggest mistakes this series made was bumping off Stefan. He was a good contrast to Radu, whose character is fond of spouting worn out phrases like "my fledgling" to the point of being almost cartoon-like. Subspecies is a fun series in a comic-book vampire kind of way. I'd recommend it to diehard fans only."
Vincent Donato | New York | 01/15/2002
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Now you can own the cool modern vampire film from Director Ted Nicholau on DVD!I have the whole series on VHS but I must have this ultimate DVD video.This 1990 Full Moon Classic is about 3 young girls in Romania who fall victims to the Vampire Kingdom.The evil vampire Radu wants the girls to be his undead vampire slaves but the good vampire Stefan wants to kill his evil brother and save the girls from thier unholy fate.Who will regin supreme?YOU TELL ME!Buy this DVD or VHS and be scared and on the edge of your seat adventure.
RATED R for nudity,violence and gore."