John S. Reynolds | Santa Barbara, Ca United States | 12/06/2003
(2 out of 5 stars)
"While this film looks and sounds very much like a documentary on Submarines, its merely a mediocre drama that deals with terrorists and a hijacked Russian nuclear Sub!! If this sounds like your bag then this film could be for you. I thought it to be an interesting Documentary but found I was wrong. It was just packaged to appear that way."
Interesting Story
Jeffrey I. Turkel | North Pole, Alaska, USA | 12/08/2005
(2 out of 5 stars)
"Story was interesting, BUT...lame acting and I hate movies dealing with the military that show military members with hair longer than the military would allow and uniforms looking like they were slept in/worn for a few months, not to mention portray lame military bearing and custom/courtesy. Course having spent twenty years in the military this is a sore subject for me with many military films."
Worst Submarine/Military Movie I have ever seen. Period.
Angela Dickson | Maple, WI | 02/28/2006
(1 out of 5 stars)
"I grabbed this movie while I was deployed in Iraq from a vendor on the street, and once I finished watching it, I had to check online to make sure it was actually made in the US. This was by far and away to most HORRIBLE sub movie I have ever seen---and I have seen most of them. The acting was completely flat, the plot was non-existant, and whoever they hired as a technical advisor should be shot. The uniforms were either wrong or poorly cared for, the verbiage and pronounciation of sub jargon and medical terms was off, and the appearance of the crew was nothing like what you would find in the real world----a sumbariner with a BEARD?---Ummm---NO!
If you enjoy sub movies, this is one to stay far away from-----very far away."