The Title Just Reeks Of Class
Stanley Runk | Camp North Pines | 08/07/2006
(3 out of 5 stars)
"Strip Nude For Your Killer's not bad. It's not really good, but not bad either. The coverbox promises more than the film delivers(plus the artwork is great). It's about a killer in motorcycle gear that kills fashion(Turn To The Left!!) models. Ya know, typical giallo stuff, but the whole model thing is too close to Bava's Blood and Black Lace. This was directed by Andrea Bianchi, who as everyone knows, gave us the box office smash, Burial Ground. Since that film was so silly and out there, I figured this would have a touch of that lunacy as well. I mean, how can you go wrong with a killer in a motorcycle helmet killing nude chicks(that is if you forget Nail Gun Massacre exists)? Strangely the film is a tad boring. It's got a decent amount of bloodletting, moreso than alot of giallos of the time. It's got that funky soundtrack we all love. It's got it's share of nude women as well, but aside from Russ Meyer films, nudity was never a selling point with me for an exploitation film. It's certainly better than any post-Scream attempts at a slasher flick, yet doesn't quite live up to the classic giallos. I guess you'd be pretty even steven with this one."
Too restrained
Lord of Dance | 11/04/2006
(3 out of 5 stars)
"The musical score is the best part of Strip Nude For Your Killer, because I've been humming it ever since I watched this DVD. The title implies that there will be two things in the movie: 1) Killing and 2) Nudity. There are both, but neither are used with much flair. Viewers that enjoy wild displays of violence and gore will likely be disappointed, but those who are into watching naked women walk around in high heels may be pleased. As a mystery, it's pretty dull. As a sleazefest, it's not sleazy enough. The movie really does the title and the soundtrack a disservice."
Probably better than you expect
Joseph P. Menta, Jr. | Philadelphia, PA USA | 01/30/2007
(3 out of 5 stars)
"Solid genre thriller from Italy is not nearly as exploitive as the title and box art suggest, though sex & violence isn't exactly at a minimum. Think American slasher movie merged with an Italian art film and you'll have some idea of what's in store. The DVD features a clean widescreen print and an English dubbing job that's actually fairly polished."
Great title, decent movie
Dave. K | Staten Island, Ny | 11/03/2007
(3 out of 5 stars)
"Strip Nude for Your Killer was a rather solid Giallo, but also very flawed at the same time. There are plenty of really well-done moments, but it also takes a while before we get to them. Strip Nude for Your Killer starts off a bit slow with the introduction of the characters, none of which were all that interesting. Though once we get to about the 25-min mark the movie does begin to pick up.
Based on a story by Andrea Bianchi, the screenplay was written by Massimo Felisatti, the screenplay is your standard Giallo; Nothing here really stands-out from the norm; though with that said the movie isn't badly written. While the characters lack depth, the mystery aspect is actually pretty good. The investigation scenes work rather well, but it's just the filler scenes that don't work quite as well.
Director Andrea Bianchi is able to create some tension, but some of his scenes can drag. The highlight of the movie comes around the 30-min mark the stalk scene was very well done and quite creepy. If only the rest of the movie could have been like that it would have been much better. That's not to say Strip Nude for Your Killer is a bad movie it is actually overall pretty good, but when there are no stalking scenes and when it's not about the investigation some of the scenes lack at times.
The final act Andrea Bianchi does manage to deliver some solid tension and atmosphere despite the fact the movie does drag along in the final act. Strip Nude for Your Killer is one of the more sleazy Giallos you can except plenty of nudity and sex scenes while a movie doesn't need that this one did. Take that away and Strip Nude for Your Killer wouldn't work quite as much as it does. The women were good looking so I don't mind, but I couldn't help but feel Bianchi was more interested on sex and nudity rather than suspense, while Strip Nude for Your Killer has some solid tension I couldn't help but feel it could have been so much more.
Strip Nude for Your Killer was one of the many Giallos to feature the stunningly beautiful Edwige Fenech. I don't know if you will find a woman more beautiful than Edwige and that also goes for now. Even at 59-years old she is still amazingly beautiful. If you are a fan of Giallos and or Edwige Fenech than by all means check out Strip Nude for Your Killer.
In closing, the movie does suffer from some pacing problems and there are moments where the movie seems to drag, but despite those problems the movie works rather well.