There is no single weapon so flexible, so formidable, so capable of projecting power as an aircraft carrier and its Air Wing. See and feel what life on - and above - the FLIGHT DECK is all about. The modern-day carrier Air... more » Wing in action. Cockpit views of missions and breathtaking day and night landings. The treacherous environment of deck crews. The staggering logistical requirements. The role of the "flat top" and its battle group. The F-14 descends quickly. The carrier - a blur of light in the darkness. There's a heavy sea running. The pilot checks his airspeed and angle of attack. The runway looks no longer than a basketball court. He's indicating 130 knots . . . The battle-ready Air Wing - technologically sophisticated and ready for any mission. They're all here; the A-6 Intruder, the A-7 Corsair, the F-14 Tomcat, the S-3A Viking, the SH-3 Sea King helicopter, the E-2C Hawkeye, the EA-6B Prowler, and the newest addition to the Air Wing, the F/A-18 Hornet. In Flight Deck, you'll attend the briefings and meet the pilots. Best of all, you'll fly with them in dramatic segments shot right from the cockpit. You'll feel what it's like to land on a pitching flight deck at night, or to jerk forward on a steam catapult from 0-150 knots instantly.« less