Not what I was expecting.
Khadka | California, USA | 11/10/2004
(2 out of 5 stars)
"Mamoru Oshii has put out pretty impressive videos, this is not one of them.
The main character pursues his old master (like a Stray Dog.. ) who left his unit behind. Throughout the entire movie all he does is walk down streets (they even walk the same streets over pointlessly ) , occasionally bumping into a guy that feels life can be summed up in his "Stray Dog philosophy", then eating, then walking around some more. All the while a horrible piano tune plays.
Don't let the cover fool you, there really isn't many kerberos panzer cops in this movie. It's not until the very end does the main character put on his nifty leather armor and mow through baddies, which was about the only exciting part of the movie (no cheesy piano music either!).
Not much of a plot, predictable, and boring. If you're interested in Mamoru's live action movies Avalon is better. If you absolutely have to have something with kerberos cops in it try Jin-Roh The Wolf Brigade."
Expect The Stray Unexpected Dog
Pauly Paranthropus | Phoenix, AZ | 01/15/2009
(3 out of 5 stars)
"Straw Dog is unlike any movie that I have seen. Like many people, I expected an intense action film after seeing "Jim Roh", Mamoru Oshi's animated masterpiece but the bulk of "Straw Dogs" is a beautiful, poetic mediation on trust and betrayal with plenty of sublime imagery. At first, I was put off by the main character Ishi seemingly directionless journey in China to find his former master from the Capital Police (the heavily armored Kerberos who were disbanded 3 years before).
With action at both ends of the film, the middle can seem boring unless you transcend the action movie expectations. It's full of serene sea-side beauty and some interesting shots of a Chinese village. There is some great action and violence at the end that's a bit confusing as to who Ishi's adversaries are but it's worth the wait."