Tonight, first contact will be made! A beautifully-crafted tale of a superior being from Venus who has the power of life and death at his touch. Academy Award-winning actress Patricia Neal's glowing and sensitive performan... more »ce as a woman caught up in the biggest event in history is complemented by Helmut Dantine's powerful, moving portrayal as the Stranger. Suggested by events in the sci-fi classic "The Day the Earth Stood Still," this film is a touching, humanizing and haunting story of "first contact" with a peaceful and advanced intelligence from another planet coming to Earth with an ultimatum and out-of-this-world powers to back it up.« less
"Image Entertainment's release of STRANGER FROM VENUS, as part of their Wade Williams DVD Collection, is an interesting little find for old sci-fi film fans. STRANGER FROM VENUS shares many common elements with the all-time classic THE DAY THE EARTH STOOD STILL -- most notably a kind alien who wishes to warn humanity of the consequences of atomic warfare. It also shares a basic plot structure with the infamous 1950s British sci-fi flick DEVIL GIRL FROM MARS: an alien landing in rural England and "hanging out" in and around a local inn/tavern. If you've seen and enjoyed either film, you'll like this one.STRANGER FROM VENUS has surprisingly strong performances from its lead actors: Patricia Neal and Helmut Dantine. In one well-done sequence, for instance, Dantine demonstrates to a reporter his superior intellect by reading a newspaper article, one paragraph at a time in a different language. STRANGER FROM VENUS certainly is for genre fans alone. It's very "talky" and, outside of cheap flying saucers at the very end, provides little cheesy special effects to make fun of. The DVD also doesn't have any bonus features, not even a trailer. So you've got to make sure that the price is worth it to you (the transfer is very good however)."
M. Kube | Texas | 12/24/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I don't know I could be wrong, but it seems to me that movies made today require a ton of special effects ( especially in the Sci Fi - Fantasy genre ) to keep an audience interested. Nothing wrong with this though, as I myself enoy a little escapist entertainment as much as the next person. Having said that though I must confess that it is my opinion that good writing and acting will win out over high tech effects almost everytime with few eceptions and nothing is better if you have both. Which brings me to this film, Stranger From Venus. It has very little in the effects department (Plan 9 From Outer Space has more) but the script and acting are a notch above alot of movies in this genre today or in the 1950's when this film was made.The story is not your average alien invasion plot that dominate most film in this category, which to me is a breath of fresh air. In fact,I'd put Stranger From Venus in a category of Sci Fi films that are a bit different from the rest of the crowd like The Man Who Fell To Earth, Man Facing SouthEast and Signs. So,if you are looking for exploding planets,high tech battle cruisers or strange looking creatures, you won't find it here but if you seek a good well written story from a different angle then your patience will be rewarded."
Stranger from Venus
Robert Beyer | Monument CO | 08/05/2005
(3 out of 5 stars)
"I concur with most of the reviews already written.. a "soft" sci-fi story relying on dialogue rather than special effects. Patrica O'Neil definately made this movie."
"Stranger from Venus" a little known classic.
A. Gregory | Redlands, CA USA | 03/18/2002
(4 out of 5 stars)
"This film deserves more attention I think because it deals as much with the response of earth establishment types as it does with the possible aliens themselves...The plot concerns an alien landing in a remote British village... and how this alien relates to earthly preferences and habits... This alien has compassion and vision and is willing to share it with humanity..but of course the establishment types are not ready for this and soon botch thinks up horribly!It has a strong anti military flavor to it as well as antinuclear testing... The alien warns that continued testing could cause a destabilized earth orbit which could endanger other worlds... among other things...The special effects are not unusual or even spectacular... but they managed to create an aura of mystery none the less!"
Funny, in a strange sort of way
Julie Burris | 05/09/2005
(3 out of 5 stars)
"This movie is the most obvious remake of The Day the Earth Stood Still. I like both films, but besides the hilarious special effects and the casting of an American actress as English, I prefer this film. The stranger, played by Helmut Dantine, is very believable in the part, maybe just because of his Austrian accent. Also, the slightly romantic departure from the plot of The Day the Earth Stood Still warmed my unscientific heart. The messages are the same: anti-war, and that was very timely in the early 1950's. Perhaps it's still quite timely...."