I got a DVD cam and a computer, and i could make something b
A. Bursaw | 09/08/2010
(1 out of 5 stars)
"Awful. Thats all i gotta say. For someone who really wants to become an actor, Austin is really stereotyping himself in these B rate movies. GET OUT OF THEM! First off, this movie must have been shot with a thousand dollar salary and a DV cam by someone who cant hold still long enough to shoot a decent shot. The opening "scene" gave me motion sickness. Holy crap! Terrible opening scene, shouldve cut it out. Second off, the Chick playing his "doctor" is playing more of a woman on a uninteresting blind date then anyone that would resemble "a doctor." Epic Fail. Bad acting, bad directing, scripted fight scenes, this movie must have been rushed. This was just some sort of bag of doo doo to sell to people who are fans of Stone Cold. The condemned is still Austin's best movie."
Austin Loses His Memory...And You'll Wish You Did The Same
D.P. | California | 08/13/2010
(2 out of 5 stars)
"Steve Austin's third starring role has him as a former F.B.I. agent who had gone rouge & is now hunted by not only the F.B.I. but also the Russian mob due to him being involved with a top-secret investigation that revolved around an internal mole & a hidden amount of money...with him having no clue why due to him having his memory blocked past a few quick unclear flashes of various things like a little girl & a briefcase. The main people looking for him is his psychologist Grace (played by Erica Cerra) who attempts to help figure out what is blocked from his memory & F.B.I. agent Mason Reese (played by Adam Beech) who has a past with both characters & has his own motives for helping restore his memory.
Just like how Austin's previous movie in "The Condenmed" had elements of it's script heavily taken from a previous successful movie in "The Running Man", that's the same case here as this movie had elements very similar to those of the Bourne trilogy. This is trying to be sold as an action movie but most of the action (which is limited to a few chase scenes) takes a backstage to a heavy amount of dialog & storytelling which is a heavy disappointment as it just didn't balance well unlike Austin's previous two films. The production was pretty much what you would expect from a low-budget "straight to home video" film but it got annoying with the heavy amount of on & off flashbacks throughout the film. The ending kept the door open for a sequel & in the end, this movie just came off more as a 88 minute background story strictly to setup the future sequels which made this movie easily forgettable once I finished watching it...to the point where if you notice, I don't even mention the name of Austin's character but I don't remember it. Eventhough I am a Steve Austin fan from his wrestling career & enjoyed his previous acting roles, that just wasn't the case here & this is a movie I wouldn't waste my money on."