Suzanne Smith | La Jolla, CA | 02/23/2006
(2 out of 5 stars)
"I am a big fan of Stott Pilates Essential Matwork tapes - I recommend them to all of my Pilates students - but I find that I'd like to issue a BUYER BEWARE about these Stott programs. Every program I've viewed since purchasing the original DVD's are all the SAME EXERICES, the same warm-up breathing info that goes on way too long and takes up a big portion of the program, and that if you have the Essentials DVD's, you have most of what Stott has to offer on DVD at this time.
I'd love to be able to return the new purchases, but if course cannot, now that they've been opened, but I feel that I have wasted my money on the possibility of pretty positions on covers that do not have anything to do with content."
Relaxed-pace toning workout
Lena, LMT | Nassau, NY | 03/01/2007
(4 out of 5 stars)
"I agree who said the buyer beware... I have rented mine from the library & agree they seem all the same. This one seems the same as the Firm & Fit, but little added challenge to each pose. The idea is good & well executed cues, etc. but after a few workouts, you feel deja vu.
The chapters/exercises are:
Warm up: breathing, pelvis placement, hip release (straight leg), spinal twist, cat stretch, scupula isolations, rib cage posture, cervical posture, ab prep & breast stroke prep
Exercise: child's pose, hundred, half roll back, roll up, one leg circle, sitting spinal twist, rolling like a ball, ab crunch with 1 straight leg, oblique crunches, double leg stretch, scissors, bridge pose prep, plow, modified plank w/1 leg up, breast stroke, child's pose, saw, open leg roll like a ball, neck pull, oblique reverse crunches, side leg kicks & lifts, sitting straight leg stretch, cobra, swimming, child's pose, plank w/1 leg up, seal, side bends (w/added twist), push ups (reg) & ends w/cross legged side stretch.
Preview at collagevideo com with other titles"
Great for Fibromyalgia
Jane Bond 007 | Iowa | 01/14/2010
(5 out of 5 stars)
"THis is a great DVD for fibromyalgia. It gives you just enough work out to work the correct muscles and challenges you to gain the strength you need using correct posture. I have used it for about 1 year and it still challenges me."