The Story of Jacob and Joseph, TVM
Leonard J. Gleeson | Bayswater, Victoria Australia | 04/26/2000
(4 out of 5 stars)
"This is a very good, albeit rather basic account of the Biblical stories of Jacob and Joseph. It gives a fine account of the two Patriachs, in one part each, with very little poetic licence or interpretation. It was shot on location in the Middle East, and many of the actors speak with a very distinct accent on their English, which adds enormously to the film's sense of 'long ago and far away'. This is especially true of Laban and Pharoh. The only critisism is that the second part-Joseph- probably deserved a little longer running time and budget, with the sets and costumes not quite up to the true spectacle of ancient Egypt. But overall this production is a very worthy portrayal of the events."
An impressive retelling of the Stories of Jacob and Joseph!
Deepak K. Singh | Delhi, India | 06/09/2008
(4 out of 5 stars)
"This lavish Biblical drama of 1974 has been produced in two parts. The First part tells the story of Jacob fleeing his tribe when he cheats his brother out of his birthright, gets cheated himself in his exile years while learning of the need to make amends. The second part is of the story of Jacob's favourite son, Joseph. Betrayed and sold into slavery by his brothers, he meets and overcomes all adversity to become the Prime Minister of Egypt, second only to the Pharoah.
This is one of the better Bible story dramatizations ever adapted to the silver screen which complement John Huston's 1966 monumental "The Bible ... In the Beginning" very well. The acting is much better than any typical Biblical movie. The characters speak and act like real people, not cardboard cutouts. The writing tells the stories faithfully, without unnecessary additions, yet in a refreshing way that even after over three decades is enjoyable to watch. All in all, a Bible Movie worth watching by every christian."
Leg-puller struggles with God; son sold into slavery in Egyp
Raymond Jensen | 12/04/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This film begins in Genesis, when Rebecca gives birth to Jacob and Esau. It ends with Jacob going to Egypt to see his lost son Joseph. As the other reviewers have indicated, this is a "bare-bones" account of the lives of Jacob and his son Joseph. For example, it is written, Laban pursues Jacob after the latter leaves for Canaan, but not in this film. But what the film does portray, it does rather faithfully. Now, not everything in the film is straight from scripture. However if you're not a "purist" that will not be a problem. (I myself don't mind so long as scripture is not contradicted.)
Hence, this film is much in the style and flavor of the film "Jesus" which I love. In fact, it looks like the two films were made in the same location in parts. For example, the desert backdrop where Jacob is reunited with his brother Esau looks much like the scenery where Jesus was tempted by Satan for 40 days in the "Jesus" film.
The acting is in this film is very good. I thought that the portrayals of Jacob and Joseph were convincing. Esau also. Although I thought Rachel was a little silly.
I was surprised when the two brothers were reunited that Esau still wanted to kill Jacob. I always got the impression in scripture that Esau already forgave Jacob. But I suppose it's possible he held a grudge.
I especially enjoyed the second half of the movie, which was about Joseph, who was sold by his brothers into Egypt. This Joseph I liked much better than what I've seen in other films. This Joseph is upright, great work ethic, a man after God's own heart. Exactly the way scripture says. The only disappointment was, I thought the film ended too soon. I would have liked to have seen the reunion of Jacob and Joseph.
Contrary to what one other reviewer has written, I thought the Egyptian props and scenery was quite good. I've been to the Egyptian museum so I have some idea of what it should look like. One peculiarity however was the caravan scene by the pyramids. The way the pyramids look now, is not how they looked then.
Since buying this film a month ago, I've watched it 3 or 4 times. I plan to watch it again. I can't say that about many other films."
Well done
Henry G. Obermayer | USA | 07/27/2010
(4 out of 5 stars)
"I've been ordering Biblical Movies on DVD to use for our weekly Bible Class. I try to be careful to select those that follow the scripture as well as possible, and reject those that are "Hollywood" inspired. Jacob and Joseph was very well done, and fits my needs very well. I am pleased with my purchase and will recommend it highly."