A socially-conscious, educational cartoon that's fun! ...And
Matthew Hoffart | Ottawa, Canada | 01/09/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Of all the cartoons I was exposed to when I was growing up, few laid out such a clear-cut argument in favour of sustainable living. Most cartoons were 30 minutes of mindless kicking, punching, shooting, and explosions. Even Captain Planet, TVs only eco-superhero, was sadly reduced to saving people from their own stupidity while wearing spandex pants.
The shows involves an pacific ocean island with two groups, the Suntots (good) and the Smoggies (bad). The Suntots live an eco-friendly life on the pristine island while the Smoggies are just off-shore in a massively polluting ship that dumps endless toxic slurry into the surrounding coral reefs. Speaking of coral, the Smoggies are after the magic variety because it is rumored to make you young forever. In the process, they continually disrupt the delicate ecological balance on the island. This show is like a crystal ball: Smoggies on the island ruining stuff = drilling for oil in Alaskan wilderness reserves; Magic corral = societies obsession with 'young', botox, models with BMIs of 16. And the list goes on...
The Suntots are basically the Smurfs except with bigger hair, and an equally catchy intro (and they don't live in mushrooms, but kudos to the Smurfs for that eco-friendly housing choice). Each one has their own personality, strengths and weaknesses, but these are always overcome when they work together.
All of this comes together to create an entertaining show that teaches kids respect for everything with which they share this planet. I'm not a "tree-hugger", but I sure do like fresh hair... and beatiful vistas... and polar ice caps. Buying this for your young ones is part of a healthy ethical diet ensuring they don't grow up to be sociopathic super-consumers, addicted to Starbucks and cruising down the highway in their massive, gas-guzzling SUVs. At the very least, it will provide innocent entertainment for 30 minutes. Did I mention the intro's catchy?"