From the director who brought you "Toe Tags" and "Branded" comes a new face of terror. Something strange is happening in this eerie backwoods town. An ordinary town that could be miles from your own home. Inspired by tr... more »ue events, a group of friends must survive the weekend in order to escape the terror that is beyond their imagination. Desperate and fearing for their lives, the horror surges when a legendary killer wants something they all posses. They soon find out the town is not what it seems, and with no hope of rescue, they must find their way out before they fall victim to the Stitcher's obsession. This blood curdling story is a shock a minute horror rush, that will make you never want to wear certain pieces of clothing again. Bonus Features: Photo Gallery, Commentary with Director, Cast, and Crew, Music Videos, Digital Comic Book - "Carthage", Bloopers Reel, "Stitching it all together": Behind the Scene Featurette Product Specs: DVD9; Dolby Digital; 90 minutes; Color; 16x9 Widescreen; MPAA - Unrated; Year - 2007; SRP - $19.99« less
"OMG!!! What a ridiculous film... after all this hype about what a great film this was supposed to be??? Seriously, how could any objective horror critic or horror fan give this miserable attempt at a horror film five stars??? Poor to bad acting, 100% derivative screenplay, worn out stereo types, unbelievable characters, moderately attractive females for the most part, and utterly ridiculous hicks. Now, Erin is a pretty hot blond, unfortunately, they stereo typed her as a complete moron who never understands anything that is being said by anybody; again, a worn out stereo type that is completely over done to the point of being unbelievable.
The scenes of violence are pretty lame in that they never really show you anything that is actually happening to the victims; they just show the stitcher dude swinging a weapon in the air, then a victim with fake blood where their injuries are supposed to be, so while the overall production quality is pretty good, it is also lacking any creative cinematography in terms of action scenes. The editor has tried to compensate with slow motion and various special effects, but they never really succeed in getting anybody's blood flowing.
OK... The deputy sheriff was a pretty good actor... but this film leaves you with the distinct impression that it was made buy a group of people who've never once ventured outside of the city limits of a large city and have some pretty paranoid and ridiculously unrealistic ideas about people living in small towns. The "country hicks" were completely over acted with extremely feeble efforts by the "actors" to sound like hillbillies. Newsflash: people who live outside the city limits do not shred their clothes with a razor blade and smear axle grease all over themselves. They also don't paint some of their teeth black to make themselves look snaggle-toothed or wear cheep plastic buck teeth. They got so carried away with the hick stereo type that they have all of the residents of the small town acting, literally, as if they were severely retarded... and covered with axle grease...
The concept, of a person who stitches buttons to their skin has a lot of potential, but this film never really manages to make this character believable. The sets didn't really make sense either; way too upscale for the basic concept that the film appears to be trying to get across. For example, how did these severely retarded hicks manage to build an upscale marina at the local lake? Clearly promoted as a terrifying horror film, and not as a comedy, the spin now seems to be that the bad acting was supposed to be funny, but look at the product description; "Inspired by true events... ...terror that is beyond their imagination," etc. The only possible explanations I can come up with for the five star reviews is that these reviewers are either associated with the film, or they're giving it an extra four stars because the producer and director were females. Sorry, but this film only proves that women are just as capable of making a miserably bad horror films as their male counterparts. This film looks like something that a group of junior high students might come up with for their drama class. Don't waste your money on this pathetic attempt at making a horror film!
I was STITCHED to this movie!!!
Tornado Chaser | York, Nebraska | 11/09/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I really don't know what the two reviewers above me are referring to...But I was very impressed with this movie. I did some research before buying THE STITCHER and found out it was the team that did the movie was all women. We are talking female director, writer, special FX, and costume design. I am so thrilled that these ladies broke thru the glass ceiling and in my opinion created and very impressive piece of work. I was laughing when you were supposed to laugh and there were a few scenes that made me jump and throw popcorn everywhere. I tell you after watching this one...I question wearing certain items of clothing! My hat off to all the actors as well in The Stitcher...Their performances were amazing! I would highly recommend this to everyone who enjoys a good campy movie with screams and thrills! Plus the extras were amazing as well! This one is definitely a keeper in my book."
Heaven Rangel | Heaven Rangel | 11/08/2007
(1 out of 5 stars)
"Unless you enjoy extreme B rated movies that looks like someone is filming with a videp camera in their back yard, don't buy! If you fall for the cool DVD cover then don't sayyou weren't warned. Save your money!"
Not bad, but could've been better
Richard R. Smedley | Broken Arrow, OK United States | 12/03/2008
(3 out of 5 stars)
"First, let me get the disclaimer out of the way. Scott Gaffen, the lead role in this movie played the lead role in my newly-released sci-fi spoof "It Came From Over Yonder". So, my view of the "The Stitcher" isn't entirely untainted. However, I have no affliation with Next Monkey Horror.
I bought the movie recently from VCI Entertainment, and watched it for the first time last night. Here are my honest, gut-level impressions of the flick:
1) The creature wasn't developed enough in the plot. I wasn't really scared of him at a visceral level. He needed more development (more scenes of him as he developed into the monster he was in the movie).
2) There definitely was not enough intensity in the monster attack scenes. I really wanted to see more blood spewing, arms severed, etc.
3) The movie was too slow in the beginning (which I think "It Came From Over Yonder" suffered from).
4) The local hillbilly makeup (really, really dirty and greasy clothing) was a bit over the top and didn't work for me. Too extreme and silly even for a B-movie.
5) The story was too cliche for me (classic slasher movie) and consequently not very scary.
The most serious flaw of the movie was 1) above. If you look at "good" slasher movies like Halloween, Friday the 13th and Nightmare on Elm Street, the movie can be viewed through the monster's eyes which not only adds an element of real fear, but a certain sick sympathy with the creature. The Stitcher needed more of this psychological development to rise from a mediocre movie to a great one. But, then again, what do I know since I wrote the hideous "It Came from Over Yonder" :)
1) The acting was overall pretty good. I wouldn't say anyone in the cast did a "bad" job acting. Most scenes were believable and pretty good in my opinion.
2) I liked the cinematography in general. I'm not a big fan of "crooked" shots but it worked in this movie.
3) The story was well written, if not cliche (see 5 above).
4) Music was great. Wish we had more of that in "It Came From Over Yonder".
5) As a filmmaker myself, I enjoyed watching the extras. It's always a learning experience seeing how other indie filmmakers make their movies.
I liked the scenes later in the movie more than at the beginning. That's pretty typical of most horror movies though I think. I can recommend the movie if you like slasher flicks.
A B movie down to the smallest detail.
PureLake | NY | 07/07/2008
(2 out of 5 stars)
"B movie in every since of the term, yet somehow still endearing. The crew was literally two people, and it shows. The camera work is very amateurish. Everything is shot crookedly, as if that will somehow mask the cheap camera quality.
The acting is painfully bad. Most of the actors supposedly come from a theater background and have degrees in acting. They should be revoked immediately. The best/funniest character gets killed off early on. The movie drags a little towards the end, trying to surprise! us with twists that aren't necessary. Still somehow, magically, this was kind of funny and likeable. Not worth owning or watching again though."