Original Zombie Movie: Better than Most Big Budget Flix!
Eddie Whitlock | Georgia, USA | 08/08/2005
(4 out of 5 stars)
"This is a great little movie. If you're a zombie fan, it's definitely worth your time and money.
For the most part, these are Romero zombies: Shoot 'em in the head types.
It's the survivors who are different. Who expects swingers to also be survivors??? I never had before, but THE STINK OF FLESH changed my mind. Certainly it would take people willing to 'think outside the box' to survive the pending zombie apocalypse.
My wife agreed that this was the rarity: a movie where you CAN'T predict what is going to happen next. Wow!
The acting is mixed. Some of the co-stars seem lucky to have remembered their lines. That's okay. The main characters do a fine job and the gore is reasonably realistic.
And I think I'll have nightmares of Dottie before I'll have nightmares of zombies...!"
It's what I expected.....
J. Kramer | Bronx/Queens , NY | 06/04/2005
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Ok there is no major plot , in that sense.... how the zombies came to be, where they came from, or why these people are where they are etc......
Anyway thats not the main objective. Now I new what i was getting and what it was , a very low budget indie zombie film.
A heads up on a couple things
1- The acting while its a low budget its acting is a bit chessy but not bad, just basically your avg low budget acting. But not at all dissapointing.Out of 10 stars it gets 6.
2- The ZOMBIES- The make is very good, surprisingly good for the budget they worked with. Out of 10 stars 7.5.
3-GORE- Plenty of it and very pleasing and well done, was definitly what made the movie.Out of 10 stars its gets 9.
4-Action -there are alot of Zombie vs Human fights which is great.Out of 10 stars its gets 9.
5-Humor-Not chessy and not dry, very cool and funny very enjoyable.Out of 10 stars its gets 9.
Long story short amzons review is off the back cover and describes the movie as it is. This is a great movie to have. Me I love a good Zombie flick, and if you do also get it. You know you are getting a low budget indie flick so expect what you get, and what you will get is a very fun action packed bloody zombie flick that has plenty of laughs and plenty of gore. Being a fan of 70's and 80's flciks I would consider my self a solid judge of what is good and what is not, if you see my other reviews you will see the type of movies im into and probably get the idea of when I say get this flcik, that means no ?'s . Go out and get it you wont be dissapointed."
Best of Backyard
DLN | New Mexico | 07/07/2005
(3 out of 5 stars)
"Most people don't like backyard movies. Movies you can't even call low budget, they're micro-budgeted. If you haven't seen one yet then you probably won't like your first. It's hard to get past low production values, and many times people buy or rent one expecting a 'real' movie.
That being said, I love backyard movies. Movies like Meat Market, I, Zombie, Enter Zombie King all entertain me vastly. I love seeing what people can do with the resources they have at hand, and how they don't let money restrictions hold back their creativity.
That being said, Stink of Flesh creates a very unusual situation and progresses it. The characters are pretty cookie cutter with the exception of the couple and the wife's sister(s). They are the source of all the tension and the fulcrum for the action. What really stands out is the action. There's tons of good gore: impressive blood fountains from stabbings and biting, great squib effects for head shots, and really well coreographed action sequences. The zombies themselves are a little lackluster. they're just make-up effects, no rubber masks or prostectics, a lot like the original Night or Dawn of the Dead zombies. Most of the acting is par for the course, but the actor playing Nathan the husband is really good, very beleivable and tragic. Too much of the film was shot in the day time though. All in all, this is close to as good as backyard films get, but if you don't like micro-budget flicks, steer clear."
J. R Weaver | SF, CA, USA | 02/22/2006
(3 out of 5 stars)
"This is a pretty decent flick. The acting is a little spotty in places, but is made up for by the leads. The special effects are suprisingly good given the budget. The story would've worked just as well without zombies, in my opinion, but being a zombie fan I won't argue at their inclusion.
Before you sit down to watch this, just be aware of what you are getting. This is not a big-budget Hollywood movie, so don't expect it to be.
PS: A note to reviewer J. Kramer - I'd say the acting and humor are more checkersy or backgammony than chessy. Or perhaps they're just a little cheesy. :)"