"I would akin this movie to "Up In Smoke" and "Next Move". I loved these two movies, and found "Still Smoking" just as hilarious. I have to admit that the last 1/4 of the movie slowed down when they were onstage in the comedy club, but I laughed quite frequently through the rest of this funny move. My Advice is to buy this movie, or at least rent it for a great laugh."
A stand-up special, not "Up In Smoke 2"
(4 out of 5 stars)
"There are a lot of strong feelings about this movie. Many people hate it, many people love it. To be frank, it's pure Cheech & Chong, the stuff that made them famous on their 1970's comedy albums. It has no plot, like the classic "Up in Smoke" or their later bombs, it is really just a long sketch show. If you like Cheech and Chong's humor, it's on display at it's best here. Of course, most people who see this expect a sequel to "Up In Smoke", where it disapoints. It's not a pot-adventure comedy, although the drug theme runs strong. If you liked their classic comedy albums, you'll probably enjoy this."
A Near Miss, though it has it's moments
J. Christal | Teaneck, New Jersey United States | 05/16/2001
(3 out of 5 stars)
"This film by the doped duo is one of they're couple of misfires. Not as big as The Corsican Brothers (which is bad, though not the worst that could happen), though a somewhat far cry from the days of Nice Dreams and Up in Smoke. The film focuses on the two and they're ventures before and at a festival in Amsterdam. However, it is mainly a set-up for a movie where they show off they're talent that made them a success on stage before the movies. Fascinating, to be sure, however the downtrip of this is that a number of the bits off and on stage in the movie just aren't that funny. The two show they have genuine and remarkable talent, but the mark isn't totally hit like in the earlier 4 movies. Best sequences though- Blind Melon Chitlin, the boobs in the sauna (why not), and the Detroit/Jamaican drug seller. Not a total waste of time, but it isn't gold either."
The wheels come off the C&C fun machine.
L. M. Fuke | Silicon Valley, CA | 01/22/2008
(1 out of 5 stars)
"Movie rates 1 star; DVD transfer rates 3 stars.
I was a big fan of C&C, and their first two movies were some of the funniest of the era. Unfortunately, it appears the "empty suits" running the studios thought they could do humor better that Cheech and Chong.
This movie really proves that a central plot is vital for any film. Our boys find themselves in Amsterdam and basically are pushed through a series of disjointed sub-plots, actually sight gags, that are non-original and decidedly unfunny. Cheech and Chong are the funny elements in their movies; here, they are nothing but witnesses to silliness. The unconnected nature of the gags leave you wondering what the heck is going on.
Sad to say, the C&C heyday is over. Why take them out of So. California? Better than any comedians filming So. California, C&C knew their turf; a lot of their humor came as spoofs of the 1970's SoCal culture. If you love the boys, skip this movie.
Note added May 2010: I have just learned that Tommy Chong was compelled to desert America in order to escape a drug charge. The charges were subsequently dropped. However, this news does not change my opinion of this turkey movie. It lacks C&C's trademark originality."
Acceptable movie
Miguel Murillo Cordero | Alajuela, Costa Rica | 06/13/2007
(3 out of 5 stars)
"Well, I got to admit it is not the best movie from these guys.
Lucky for me that I friend of mine bought from me. Didn't like very much..."