This is a big moment for old and new Wildcat's fans alike. Almost a decade since the release of LIL BASTARDS, Wildcats and Is Design have teamed up to produce STILL BASTARDS, the sequel to the video that kicked started the... more » Wildcat's legacy. Still Bastards The Movie
The Wildcats Team is back! The highly anticipated sequel to Lil' Bastards will be packed full late night antics, extreme radness, excessive drinking, beautiful women, the destruction of public property, insults directed towards innocent people, horribly good dancing, the invasion of personal space, smart ass remarks, terrible rapping and an over all talent for bad decision making. This action will be peppered by hotshot stunts performed by a cast of world class snowboarders including but not limited to: J.F Pelchat, Devun Walsh, Chris Brown, Kale Stephans and Paavo Tikkanen. Features Devon Walsh, Ikka Backstrom, Eero Nimela, Kale Stephens, Chris Brown, Chris Dufficy, Mikey Rencz, TF Pelchat, Benji Ritchie, Reno and Tadashi... Double Feature Still Bastards will also include Little Bastards available for the first time ever on DVD with never before seen footage! Bonus Footage Rider commentary, Deleted scenes, late night comedy, classic videos from the furious blog, interviews and teasers! Locations Whistler Backcountry, Vancouver, Interior BC, Europe, Japan and more.« less