A lost soul has just received the wounds of Christ and a shocking message that will alter history. Stunning performances from Patricia Arquette (True Romance), Gabriel Byrne (The Usual Suspects) and Jonathan Pryce (Ronin) ... more »and a cutting edge score by Billy Corgan of The SmashingPumpkins and Elia Cmiral make Stigmata a visual and visceral feast (Entertainment Today). Frankie Paige (Arquette) has absolutely no faith in God. All of that changes when she suddenly begins to suffer the Stigmatathe living wounds of the crucified Christ. Frankie's miraculous bleeding comes to the attention of the Vatican's top investigator, Father Kiernan (Byrne). But when Cardinal Houseman (Pryce), discovers that Frankie is actually channeling an extraordinary and provocative message that could destroy the Church, he's convinced that she - and the force possessing hermust be forever silenced. Determined to stop this deadly conspiracy, Kiernan risks his faithandhis lifeto save her and the message that will change the destiny of mankind forever!« less
Linda L. (angelstar) from TAOS, NM Reviewed on 5/25/2016...
I love this movie.
1 of 1 member(s) found this review helpful.
Jennifer D. (jennicat) from ST AUGUSTINE, FL Reviewed on 4/2/2014...
Good, made me think.
1 of 1 member(s) found this review helpful.
Kimberly B. (TheBookHunter) from SALEM, OH Reviewed on 10/5/2008...
good paranormal movie
1 of 1 member(s) found this review helpful.
Jeff V. (burielofmel) from HARRIMAN, TN Reviewed on 2/23/2008...
This was a pretty decent movie when it came out but now that Patricia Arquette is in that hokey show MEDIUM its harder to get into this. In others words, it hasn't aged well as a movie.
4 of 8 member(s) found this review helpful.
Movie Reviews
Well Done and very entertaining
DJD | The East Coast, USA | 03/01/2000
(4 out of 5 stars)
"O.K., so in the past year or so I have found that I don't enjoy the movies that get "Thumbs up". If I want to see "real life", I'll look out the window. When I pay to see a movie I want to be entertained. So I was expecting to like this movie (since critics didn't). But what I saw was a movie that was extremely well acted by ALL involved, a movie that was beautifully photographed (with some amazing shots throughout)and a truly brave story line that was sure to alienate a HUGE market share.I can't possibly imagine what the critics did not like about this well paced, well acted thriller.At the least it is the most underrated movie of the year.One note...Inside the booklet that comes in the DVD case, there is a letter from the Director. It explains that the DVD comes with an alternate ending, and to please watch the entire movie WITH the alternate ending (as opposed to watching the alternate ending as a seperate scene after viewing the theatrical version). And sure enough, when you click "play movie" from the main menu, you must make a choice. Go with the directors cut. I viewed the theatrical ending after I watched the directors cut, and the film lost it's impact.The transfer to DVD is excellent, and the sound is fine. There is nothing muddy or muddled about this movie. And although the subject of stigmata has been handled before,I guarantee that you have never seen it handled like this. I was thoroughly entertained from start to finish by this fine movie. If you are on the fence about buying stigmata, go for it. It's the best thriller I have seen in a while."
Raymond Miller | Toronto, Canada | 12/28/1999
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This DVD features a gorgeous 2.35:1 widescreen transfer, capturing all of the films beauty. STIGMATA is probably the most gorgeously filmed movie EVER, and the DVD edition is great. The added scenes are great, the alternate ending is VERY interesting, and the Natalie Imbruglia music video, for the truly haunting "Identify", is moody and luscious. For open-minded viewers, Stigmata is a great pick. And for the record, it does NOT rip off The Exorcist, as the Exorcist did not INVENT "possession signals", such as talking in a strange deeper voice, speaking different languages, or facial contortions; these have been documented phenomena in MANY TRUE POSSESSION CASES. Just wanted to clear that up. Patricia Arquette is brilliant."
A delicate bit
Raymond Miller | 02/16/2000
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Stigmata is a delicate movie to the extent that it provokes emotions and opinions along the two extremes of the scale. One thing is for sure: your feelings are bound to be strong about this movie. As far as context and message are concerned, the base topic about faith and church is old enough; the conclusion is somewhat more fresh, though far from being as radical as intended. Anyway, if you do not look too deep into the theoretical side of it, the message is viable and elegantly presented.What IS outstanding about Stigmata is acting. Indeed, Patricia Arquette gives one of her best performances as fate-struck Frankie; Jonathan Pryce excels at the role of the smooth-mannered evil cardinal; and... yes, my favourite Irishman... Gabriel Byrne is just dazzling as self-denying Father Kiernan. No doubt, he is the spiritual and emotional centre of the whole story, and he suggests that in a gentle, elegant way throughout the film. Paradoxically, Byrne calls the viewer to root for his character even more than Arquette does for her own victim figure. Director Rupert Wainwright also deserves applause for tactful storyhandling, beautiful imaging, and, very importantly, for leaving space for his actors to play out their characters in their full complexity. I think, to finish with, that this movie is a fine one and well worth seeing on DVD, but certainly not for the weak."
Creepy and Beautiful
Katie Hoffman | DC | 02/07/2000
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Though I understand that Stigmata got a lot of poor and unfair reviews and it is not for everyone, I STILL think it's a wonderful movie! I left the theater with my jaw hanging and eyes gaping at how good it really was. As always, Gabriel Byrne has a way of pulling you into the film and into the feelings of the characters....especially his. Through his character who is a Catholic Preist, I FELT his struggle with love and religion - both common struggles to anyone who has a heart, soul, or brain. I never found any fault with ANYTHING that happened in the movie, like the fact that if Patricia Arquette was posessed by a holy Saint, I don't think he would be trying to seduce Father Kiernan (Byrne). No one who nitpicks EVER enjoys a movie! Some things to enjoy: the artistic direction was beautiful in a creepy, X-files sort of way and they couldn't have picked someone better than Billy Corgan to compose music. (My favorite band is the Smashing Pumpkins, favorite Actor - Gabriel Byrne...you can see how I loved this movie!) Corgan added an extra demension to the film as I kept thinking I heard heartbeats coming from the back of the theater. The main thing that attracted me to this movie (Byrne aside) was all the commotion surrounding the "bad rep" that Catholics were given. I personally found it funny that, as a whole, they spend too much of their time dishing it out to others but they can't take it themselves. This movie is like a government conspiracy only it involves corruption among a sanction of society that undoubtedly has INFINITELY more power than the government - the religious institutions. As with all conspiracy movies, all I have to say is that it really makes you think...."
The Gospel of Thomas
M. Brown | Monterey, CA USA | 01/14/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
""Stigmata" is a great movie. Patricia Arquette stars as a young woman in the U.S. who shows signs of stigmata. A priest from the Vatican links up with her and cares for her as she is increasingly afflicted by the stigmata. Her ranting and raving finally begins to make sense to the priest who starts to question what his religion has stood for. This movie is good on its own account, but I love it because it introduced me to "The Gospel of Thomas," the Dead Sea Scrolls, and the Nag Hammadi Bible."