Reviewed on 8/2/2024...
Strong but then weak.
Whitney B. (whitneyab) from COOPERSBURG, PA
Reviewed on 8/2/2024...
A lost soul has just received the wounds of Christ and a shocking message that will alter history. Stunning performances from Patricia Arquette (True Romance), Gabriel Byrne (The Usual Suspects) and Jonathan Pryce (Ronin) and a cutting edge score by Billy Corgan of The SmashingPumpkins and Elia Cmiral make Stigmata a visual and visceral feast (Entertainment Today). Frankie Paige (Arquette) has absolutely no faith in God. All of that changes when she suddenly begins to suffer the Stigmatathe living wounds of the crucified Christ. Frankie's miraculous bleeding comes to the attention of the Vatican's top investigator, Father Kiernan (Byrne). But when Cardinal Houseman (Pryce), discovers that Frankie is actually channeling an extraordinary and provocative message that could destroy the Church, he's convinced that she - and the force possessing hermust be forever silenced. Determined to stop this deadly conspiracy, Kiernan risks his faithandhis lifeto save her and the message that will change the destiny of mankind forever!
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