TO ALL STEVE McQUEEN FANS - DO NOT MISS THIS UNIQUE OPPORTUNITY TO OWN AN IN DEPTH LOOK INTO THIS AMAZING MAN! THROUGH THIS SPECIAL LIMITED EDITION! A detailed and interesting portrait of one of the greatest leading men of... more » all time, McQueen: An American Rebel -Limited Edition is a fascinating look at a real life tough guy and a truly talented actor. McQueen fans should consider this one essential for their collection. Steve McQueen is one of, if not the, coolest leading man to ever come out of the Hollywood machine. Richard Martin's feature length documentary film, McQueen An American Rebel (based on Marshall Terrill's book), gives a telling account of McQueen's life and times from his early years through to his later days by exploring many of the changes that he went through along the way until his demise in 1980. Narrated by Richard Martin & Jacqueline Bissett, this documentary begins with his early life. We learn about his upbringing and his background before moving on to his early career in front of the camera. His roles in films like The Blob, The Magnificent Seven, Bullitt, The Getaway, The Great St. Louis Bank Robbery, The Sand Pebbles, The Thomas Crowne Affair, Hell Is For Heroes, Papillon, Le Mans and others, are covered as his career evolves, so too does his personal life and his outlook. The way this film relays his life to us is what really makes it count. This is what makes McQueen: An American Rebel a true biographical portrait of an extraordinary man and truly talented actor. The wealth of photos and clips make this essential for anyone with an interest in the man's life and his work. Not Rated - Trademarked: R.M Entertainment, Inc. - All Rights Reserved« less