Match By Match Review
Mr.JM | Chicagoland | 03/31/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Brian Webster and "Mr. USA" Tony Atlas provide between match commentary for this episode of Classic Superstars of Wrestling. Atlas promises "some of the finest matches ever performed in the history of professional wrestling."
1. Steve Williams (Steve Austin) vs. The Punisher (The Undertaker) - A very green Steve Austin takes on Mark Calaway, who was being pushed as a monster heel, in what we are told was his first match. Syndicated television filler. Punisher wins with a leg drop.
2. Steve Williams (Steve Austin) vs. The Medicine Man (Chris Youngblood) - Austin's teacher and mentor Gentleman Chris Adams provides special color commentary for this match. Note: Except for the outfit and occasional "war cry," Youngblood appears to have affected what fans will recognize as a "Samoan" gimmick. Adams spends the match hyping his professional wrestling school and video tapes. Youngblood wins with a buttsplash from the top rope.
3. Steve Williams (Steve Austin) vs. Gentleman Chris Adams - Student versus teacher. Austin wins by DQ when Adams beats him down with brass knucks.
4. Steve Austin, Jeff Gaylord, Gary Young and General Akbar v. Jeff Jarrett, Bill Dundee, Eric Embry and Percy Pringle (Texas Tornado Toughman Match) - Odd ball rules: An eight-man tag match -- but when one team gets a pin, they get to pick a member of the other team to attack -- on four-on-one -- for one minute. Then the solo wrestler has 10 seconds to answer the bell. If he gets up, the eight-man match begins again. Austin's team lost when Akbar was down for the 10-count.
5. Steve Austin (and Jeannie Clark) v. Chris Adams (Toni Adams) - Cat fight starts off the match. Order is restored when the ladies are barred from ringside. Adams wins with a top rope clothes line. Austin beats Adams down after the match. Clark then beat Adams and Toni with a kendo stick.
6. Steve Austin and Jeannie Clark v. Chris and Toni Adams (Mixed Tag Match) - Cat fight before the bell. The ref restores order and Austin and C. Adams start the match off, exchanging European uppercuts, rear chin-locks and sleeper attempts. The ladies interject themselves and then chase each other around the ring. Both thrill the crowd by slipping and falling in the same puddle of beer. Austin tagges in Clark who mounts her ex-husband. C. Adams then ties Clark into the ropes and tags in T. Adams. Catfight. Men tag in and C. Adams superkicks Austin over the top rope. Back in the ring C. Adams locks in a Boston crab. Another catfight that spills out of the ring. Percy Pringle holds T. Adams while Clark takes shots at her. Chris Von Erich attacks Pringle. Iceman parsons then attacks Von Erich. C. Adams then uses a chair to clear the ring.
Webster and Atlas then thank us for joining them.
Extras: None
Dead Wrestler Rollcall:
Chris Adams (February 10, 1955 - October 7, 2001; shot dead during a drunken brawl with a friend.)
Chris Von Erich (September 30, 1969 - September 12, 1991; shot himself in the head)
Value: I paid $1.99 for this video and it was worth every penny."