Don't buy if you already have the the series on DVD
Laura C. Wilcox | Douglas, MA USA | 03/21/2008
(1 out of 5 stars)
"What they have done is put new names on 2 DVD's and made it look like they are not part of the original Kingdom Hospital series. "Making the Rounds" and "Post Mortem" are just the series broken down into two DVD's. I made the mistake of buying the whole series and the 2 DVD's and found out that I had 2 copies of the series."
Still going
Michael Enoksen | Marysville, California | 10/02/2005
(4 out of 5 stars)
"I picked up the dvds today and have been watching them since I got home. I didn't know there was another installment not yet released. OH OCT 11TH, HURRY UP AND GET HERE! Stephen King is a master and he has done well with Kingdom Hospital. Dark humor is right; I know I was laughing at times. You can really feel the pain Mary is in and just want to jump into the TV and help her. Ok so I really dont like Stegman and hope he gets it in the end. Is it Oct 11th yet? As soon as I am done here I am placing my pre-order. Enjoy the series, all."
Campy good watchin'
Sidra Miller | Austin, Texas | 04/21/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Loved it. It is funny, spooky and a great campy mini series/movie. You can tell from watching that the actors had a great time making it, too. I recommend it to anyone who thinks Stephen King is just t-o-o-o-o scary to watch. King's dark humor just oozes from this series. I'm buying my own so I wont have to rent it anymore."
E. First | Fort Wayne, IN | 01/22/2009
(1 out of 5 stars)
"Kingdom Hospital The Beginning, King Hospital Making The Rounds, and King Hospital Post Mordem are all included on King Hospital The Series."