Ken D. (allthatjazz) from OOLTEWAH, TN Reviewed on 10/29/2010...
Starry Night has obscure actors, a mediocre script with continuity problems and the overall flavor of a movie that either went direct to DVD or was made for a lower tier cable channel. Mildly entertaining, but nothing anyone would want to watch again.
Movie Reviews
Very Imaginative
(3 out of 5 stars)
"This was a wonderfully imaginative movie. What an idea, if one of the greatest artists in history came back in modern times. An artist that was shunned and reaped no rewards for his life's works returns to find that his paintings are now worth 10's of millions of dollars (or 100's of millions). If you have the ability to enter into the third party of film; to believe the unbelievable, you'll like this movie. It's not a "solid" movie. Some of the acting leaves want for more, as does the cinematography. However, it was thoroughly enjoyable. All round, I liked it."
Accept the Corny-ness! This movie has heart!
Theodore G. Frushour | Kirksville, MO | 11/02/2002
(4 out of 5 stars)
"This movie is really fun as long as you go into it with the right attitude. The sets are cheap, there are some continuity problems, and the acting is really, really strange. It's sort of like something you'd expect from a PBS-produced soap-opera documentary. Some would call it bad--and I would agree if it was confined to one cast member--but it seems like the whole cast is in on the joke, and once you accept it, the movie is really quite interesting. Don't expect your life to be changed, or your sense of aesthetics to be redefined, but settle down to enjoy a whimsical little movie with a really unique tone."
Go man Gogh!
L Baker | Culver City , CA | 02/14/2001
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Enjoy this whimsical story showing Van Gogh transported into modern time to get a second chance. What he discovers is that his art is highly valued and since he never sold a painting in his lifetime, he seeks to reclaim his work and in the process falls in love! Lots of fun esp. watching Sally Kirkland as a relentless detective seeking to bust this mental case who believes he is truly Van Gogh!"
Forrest J. Evans | Los Angeles, CA United States | 02/11/2001
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This movie, as they used to say, is quite "a trip" -- innocent but ironic, simple but poignant in message, lulling and teasing -- and all told with a big wink. How much have we all changed since a century ago when Vincent van Gogh was rejected, scorned and dismissed? Not much. When he comes back today, the media (journalists and newsmen), lawyers and judges, art critics, even art educators try to dismiss him all over again, considering him a "con-man." But this is no "Harold Hill" of the MUSIC MAN who tried to con River City into buying instruments for a Boys Band. This is the real Vincent -- and like any working man, he wants to get paid... it's been a century and he comes back from death to just TRY to get his check from the greedy chiselers who hoarde his artwork. A low-budget, independent film that makes up in charm what it lacks in production sophistication, with some very funny performances."
A delightful way to view a bit of history and possibility.
Forrest J. Evans | 02/10/2001
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I rented this video for my 10 year old son who is a fan of Van Gogh. Although, I will admit it wasn't the "deepest" film I ever saw, it certainly entertained us. It highlighted some of Van Gogh more famous paintings with little "insights" into Van Gogh's intentions while painting them. This film encouraged my son to learn more about other artists in a similar manner and that is value that beats out traditional TV and video games!"