Hollywood's film archives overflow with the carcasses of dismal movies based on lame '60s and '70s television shows, a syndrome that shows no sign of abating. But here's evidence that the reverse effect, turning a movie in... more »to a TV series, can have surprisingly positive results. Indeed, based on the 21 episodes produced for the first season of Stargate SG-1, it could be argued that this show is significantly better than the 1994 feature it's derived from. The central conceit of the original Stargate--the existence of an artificially created "wormhole" through which one can travel to different worlds light years away from Earth--was an intriguing one. In seizing on the obvious possibilities for expanding on that premise, series executive producers-writers Jonathan Glassner and Brad Wright have smartly retained some of the film's basic elements (its amalgam of myth and theoretical hokum, or the ongoing clash of wills between scientists and soldiers), while adding a variety of fresh ideas (including new characters, new locations, and a welcome dose of humor, much of it supplied by Richard Dean Anderson, MacGyver himself, who replaces Kurt Russell in the central role of Colonel Jack O'Neill). The result is a show with multidimensional heroes and villains and consistently compelling story lines (many of them introduced in the pilot and carried forward through subsequent episodes) balancing excellent special effects and production values. All this and full frontal nudity, too (at least in the aforementioned pilot). Who can resist? The first season is spread out over five DVDs; the 100-minute pilot shares the first volume with two other episodes, while discs 2 to 5 contain anywhere from three to five shows each. Sound and visuals (in widescreen format) alike will take full advantage of any home system's capabilities. But aside from language and subtitle options, bonus features are limited to brief featurettes that play like commercials and provide little in the way of background information or insight (there are no features at all on the first disc). Then again, if you really want to know what that symbol on Teal'c's forehead means, or why the nasty, parasitic Goa'ulds look a lot like the fledgling stomach monsters in the Alien series, there is no doubt a Web site out there just for you. --Sam Graham« less
Great Sci-Fi Alien entertainment and continuation from the Stargate Movie!
Deb F. from ARDMORE, OK Reviewed on 9/15/2011...
Love this series.
Movie Reviews
Just more info about this set.
Charles Jaeger | Alexandria, VA United States | 04/16/2001
(5 out of 5 stars)
"The complete chronological release of season one of the highly-rated television series Stargate SG-1.Saturn Sci-Fi Award Winner For Best Syndicated TV Series, 2000 Saturn Award Winner For Best Actor (Richard Dean Anderson) In A TV Sci-Fi Series, 1999Episode Listing:Disc 1: Children of the Gods (pilot), The Enemy Within, EmancipationDisc 2: The Broca Divide, The First Commandment, Brief Candle, Cold Lazarus, Thor's HammerDisc 3: The Torment Of Tantalus, Bloodlines, Fire and Water, The Nox, HathorDisc 4: Cor-Ai, Singularity, Enigma, Tin Man, SolitudesDisc 5: There But For The Grace Of God, Politics, Within The Serpent's Grasp"
Stargate SG-1 - One of the greatest one-hour programs on TV
Dustin Solis | Sparta, WI USA | 05/31/2001
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I fell in love with this series towards the end of Season 1, so I'm glad MGM decided to release this series on television. I can finally see the episodes I missed. This series is a great balence between action, science, and great storytelling. Richard Dean Anderson as O'Neil is a riot! Espically when he get's this blank look on his face after Daniel or Carter say something way over his head (Which happens a lot).After seeing this set, there is something the buyer should know:1. The series is shot in Canada, and to put it in a nice way, the cameras they used wern't exactly A+ equipment. That's why some scenes appear grainy. It's not the conversion to DVD, the grainyness was there on Showtime and when the show was syndicated on TV.2. This show is presented in Dolby 2.0 Surround. To get the best experience, set your home theater to 2 Channel Dolby, and have the reciever send the two channels to both front and surround speakers. Some episodes of the series have some really neat surround effects if you listen carefully.I put this series on par with X-Files, and Babylon 5, all great series in terms of storytelling."
A must have for fans of Science Fiction and Adventure
Erik Rupp | Southern California | 05/24/2001
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Stargate SG1 is the best Sci-fi adventure series in years (well, since Babylon 5 anyway), and is closer in spirit to the original Star Trek series of the 60's than any of the recent Star Trek series. The show is a fun adventure series, and also has some good Science Fiction concepts. The scripts are well written, and the cast (led by Richard Dean Anderson) is excellent. The characters are well rounded, and the stories are exciting. The special effects are top notch as well. This box-set features all of Season 1 in anamporphic widescreen, and has some nice extra features as well (featurettes, promo trailers, etc), making it a "must-have" for any Science Fiction OR adventure fan. If you check the other reviews you can see the episodes on the 5 discs, but - trust me - this is a great set. BUY IT! MGM has already said that the release of Season 2 on DVD will be based on the sales of Season 1 - so BUY IT! The show seems to get better every year, so seasons 2 & 3 are must have's on DVD as well. They won't be released on DVD unless Season 1 does reasonably well - so BUY IT! (You will not regret it. This is a GREAT show!)"
Outstanding Series
Ellie Winden | 06/16/2001
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This is a great series. And this boxed set covers the entire first season all in one fell swoop. The writing for the episodes was excellent picking up on the threads that the movie Stargate had left off on in a logical manner. The transition between the movie and the series being nearly seamless with the return of the Goa'uld and the re-opening of the Stargate on Abydos and without any of those huge contraditions that so many tv series seem to have when based on movies. And,I was immediately hooked on watching how the four characters, making up the team of SG-1, start out as strangers and then grow to be friends and fiercely loyal to one another.The interplay between Michael Shanks as Daniel Jackson and Richard Dean Anderson as Colonel Jack O'Neill is worth the DVD's price alone. Michael Shanks shows us an earnest Daniel Jackson who still has that sense of childlike wonder despite the way life keeps knocking him down. And Richard Dean Anderson creates a Jack O'Neill who is strongly military but with a wicked sense of humor. Also, the added talents of Amanda Tapping (who plays Samantha Carter, an airforce captain and scientist) and Christopher Judge (Teal'c, a former first prime, a.k.a. head soldier, of the enemy) play off of these two in such a way that it makes a good balance. I would highly recommend this series to anyone who likes strong character development. Although I liked all the episodes (with the possible exception of Emancipation), I particularly liked: Cold Lazarus, Hathor, Fire & Water, Solitudes, There But The Grace of God, and Within The Serpent's Grasp. My only objection is that Within The Serpent's Grasp is the first of two parts and I would really hope that MGM would hurry up and release the second season set so that I can buy the sequel to this episode to add it to my collection. Overall, the film quality of the DVD's was good. The storylines were well written (the characters learn and change throughout, with each episode adding a little bit to the previously established material, and not simply being the "monster of the week" vignette). I also liked the fact that the series, like the movie, uses elements of different historical time periods, particularly egyptology, to form many of their premises. (If you're a history buff or amateur archeologist you'll run into a lot of familiar myths and legends and historical facts.) Also, the added bonus material of interviews and such was fun. Would I recommend this to a friend to buy. Yes. Do I think it's worth the money? Yes. Will I buy the next set. Yes. So, if you liked Stargate the movie. Or you like stories similar to the television show Farscape or books by such authors as Lois McMaster Bujold, where character development and witty dialogue are wrapped around adventures then I think you will enjoy this series too. Definitely a thumbs up!"
The only way to watch TV is on DVD
tloveman | Shaker Heights, OH USA | 10/04/2001
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Not being a suscriber of Showtime, I've had to deal with absurd syndication scheduling (4 p.m on Saturday on week then 3 p.m. on Sunday the next.) to see this series. Before getting this DVD set, I hadn't a clue which episodes I'd seen or if I'd seen in the correct order. As it turns out, even as a current big fan, I hadn't seen at last 60% of the first season. So it was a true delight to watch them all in rapid successes, with perfect picture and sound, no commercials, and the widescreen format. I'm chopping at the bit waiting for the subsequent seasons to arrive on DVD. Besides the quality and convenience of the DVD set, this TV series is actually more like watching one-long 20 hour movie. I couldn't wait for the next episode and then was kind of sad when I reach the last disk. In the spirit of Star Trek, our intrepid group of Stargate explorers go, in our time, where no one has gone before. They truly bring great depth and meaning to their adventures and touch on contemporary subjects, deal with real personal issues and emotions, and have a wild-time getting there."