Star Warp'd Succeeds Where Spaceballs Failed
Roy Jaruk | Patterson, NY United States | 10/29/2002
(3 out of 5 stars)
"This 32 minute Claymation movie, which bears all the signs of being a student film project produced on a budget of four packs of bubblegum and a cheese sandwich, does have a redeeming virtue. Unlike the live-action, multimillion dollar budgeted Spaceballs from Mel Brooks, this offering by Pete Schuermann & his band of fellow SF fans is moderately amusing instead of draggingly dull. It's clear that they, unlike Brooks, actually understand the genre, a necessity before it can be sent up.
The plot is simple. A warp in the fabric of spacetime has thrown Darth Vader, James Kirk and Mr. Spock (Star Warp'd uses satirical names, but it's easier to write it this way) into our universe in the present day. Kirk and Spock are informed by 2001's Starchild that the Monolith controlling spacetime is broken and they must fix it before the multiverses fall into a state of complete higgledy-piggledy. (Starchild sounds and acts remarkably like Sean Connery, by the by.) Vader summons the Alien, the Terminator and the Predator to fight for the Bad Guys; while Kirk and Spock summon Robocop and E.T. to fight for the good guys, and they have it out in a way that suggests Celebrity Deathmatch at the World Science Fiction Convention.
The action is mostly an amalgam of the high points in Star Wars and The Empire Strikes Back; but there are cameos and homages to The X-Files, Close Encounters of the Third Kind, Terminator 2: Judgment Day, 2001: A Space Odyssey, Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me, The War of the Worlds, Dr. Strangelove, T.J. Hooker and even the old Roadrunner-Wile E. Coyote cartoons. The most satisfying moment, however, may be in the tag, where the Starchild requires both sides to cooperate in the elimination of the greatest menace the universes have ever known.
All in all, it's moderately amusing and fun to watch to pick up the references. Best viewed with a bunch of friends after consuming a six-pack of beer and with popcorn to throw at the screen."
Oh, Give Me a Break.
tvtv3 | Sorento, IL United States | 10/19/2002
(4 out of 5 stars)
"There are a lot of parody films out. The bulk of these are sci-fi parodies, poking fun or hilariously saluting great sci-fi movies. Many of them are just plain awful, with terrible writing and bad acting. STAR WARP'D isn't like that. The acting can't be bad because it's just a bunch of clay puppets and the writing is great, stealing not only characters but lines from great movies as well.Now, granted there are a lot of poop jokes here. Farting falls in the realm of very crudish, low brow humor. It's the kind of thing that little kids find funny. It's also the kind of thing that shows you aren't taking yourself too seriously, thereby avoiding possible legal troubles while at the same time expanding your potential market base.Anyway, the plot of the story basically has characters (well, they are warped versions of the characters) from several sci-fi movies in the same universe because the space-time continuum has been torn apart by a mysterious object, a Monolith. The good guys from Star Trek are trying to keep the Monolith from being stolen by the bad guys from STAR WARS. What ensues is cool, hilarious parody.The DVD includes a four-minute preview of the possible upcoming sequel, an audio commentary by the film's makers, and some behind the scenes footage."
Cute, but not hilarious...
L. Varnau | Indy | 09/20/2002
(3 out of 5 stars)
"This 30-minute claymation film has characters from many different sci-fi universes going against eachother. Some of the jokes are very funny, but many miss their mark. Most of the bad jokes come from Darth Vapor, who farts when he breathes. Other tired moments come from a terrible parody of the baby from "2001: A Space Odyssey." He smokes a cigar and swears at Kwirk and Spuck. The humor is absent in his scenes. But most of the other jokes work, especially the E.T. vs. Predator scene! Also, the spoof of Darth Maul is a hoot!"
Funny and different too for scifi geeks and normal people
L. Varnau | 08/02/2002
(5 out of 5 stars)
"scifi people are so darn picky and uptight as you see from the reviews here. the truth is this was the funniest scifi parody i have seen since hardware wars and this was really a lot funnier than that. the clay work was rough but still funny and the rest of it was really good. relax your insane expectations all you scifi geeks,, for the price this one is a keeper! whats wrong with fart jokes anyway? kids like that sort of thing and so did i. if you want a more sophisticated show go rent 2001 and go to sleep in ten minutes or for dark humor try pretending you're "Data" and have your friend play Picard with you in the basement."