STAR TREK VOYAGER details the adventures of the Starfleet's most adventurous starship, the U.S.S. Voyager, as it is led by Captain Kathryn Janeway (Mulgrew) on missions into deep space.
"How I love Voyager, with its idealized view of life on a starship - exploring space; serving a strong, noble leader; belonging to a fiercely loyal community; living in a world where relationships, experiences, and knowledge take precedence over material goods. I really miss the show. I really miss the characters. I really LOVE the DVDs which allow me to bring the show into my home at will.
I echo so many of the complaints about packaging (at least three seasons have cracked packages and four have lost their flimsy plastic top - I like the suggestion of repacking them myself that another reviewer had) and about the insanely high cost ($700 at this writing) of the series. I received my DVDs a season at a time for birthdays and xmas, and I bought off of EBAY, and two of the seasons I purchased were used. So, the series CAN be owned for considerably less than $700.
But I watch these DVDs all the time. The stories don't grow old, and my devotion to the crew just deepens. Everytime I watch an episode I notice something new. I've started paying attention to filming angles, make-up (love the duct tape on Seven as she is being humanized), props, everything.
It's also interesting to me how my tastes change over the years - I hated Oblivion and Once Upon a Time when they aired, but now they are among my favorite episodes (okay I have over 50 favorite episodes but who's counting).
The other thing I love about this series is that I am able to watch it with my children (9 & 7), and the episodes frequently spark fabulous conversations. Voyager is superficially the story of how a lost Starfleet crew gets home, but so many of the episodes -- Living Witness, In the Flesh, Distant Origin, One Small Step, etc...are at heart debates and/or commentaries about lofty ideas.
The extras included with the DVDs are good - particularly the Season 1 Bujold-as-Janeway scenes. I never realized how much an actor or actress brings of themselves to a role. The energy Mulgrew projected is radically different from Bujold's energy, and I personally loved how Mulgrew brought Janeway to life.
Well anyway, I love these DVDs and think they are worth any Trek/Voyager fan getting their hands on."
Love this series
Megan Altorfer | Portland OR USA | 09/04/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Okay I have been a star trek fan since I was about 6 years old and my friends dad would watch the next generation every single night. Since then I have been watching the next generation, the original, deep space nine, voyager and now enterprise. Let me tell you my favorite is and will always be Voyager!
The first season was sort of lame however from 2 until 7 it is GREAT. When this season ended on tv I cried... I would seriously plan my nights around Star Trek... Now that I am nearly done with them on DVD I am about to cry again... even though I own them!!!!!
There is such a great difference between Voyager and other star treks! Voyager is showing the determination of the crew to get home. The fact that Voyager just cant fly a day to earth and get repaired/doesn't have help with a push of a button unlike other star ships. Voyager has to fiend for itself and show the human emotions of being put on a ship together without a break. I truly love the tom and blanna relationship! Those two you always wonder what will happen to them... and harry kim was always my favorite! You wonder what will happen next... he always seems to get the bad end of the deal ever since season one! However, he is seen as the baby of the ship's crew and Janeway protects her "children" with an iron fist!
I really wish this series would have made a few more season... just to explain things a little bit more and to show what happened directly after coming home (the following months)... what had happened to everyone...
Oh well I guess... the series has ended... but if you want a good star trek series that both trekies and non trekies alike can enjoy this is your series... it has drama, action, romance, well to sum it up it has a little bit of EVERYTHING in it...."
Excellent Series, Shame on the Manufacturers!
S. Reps | Connecticut, USA | 03/20/2006
(4 out of 5 stars)
"5 Star Series, -4 stars for the packaging! Voyager is an excellent series which is why I invested in the entire collection. It will continue to entertain for years. However, the packaging is unbelievably cheap! It's extremely flimsy and will surely come apart by next week. There's a lot to be said for UPS for even getting it to my door intact! I'll be investing more money in a CD case to hold all the dvd's. Also, the episode titles on the discs are written in 2 pt font along the spindle making them ABSOLUTELY impossible to read. Paramount, shame on you! For this HUGE cost I think investing another $3.00 in the packaging and labels would have been well worth it! Either that, or please include a jewler's loupe so we can read the disk titles.
After a few months, I've come across several CD's with problems.... skipping, scratches, etc. Paramount refuses to call me back to discuss the issue. I also have the entire TNG collecton. The packaging for that is excellent and the episode titles are easy to read. I guess Voyager doesn't warrant a similar design despite being more than twice the cost...... Go ahead and buy this.. you can't go wrong, but order a CD case, too for the 47 discs."
Janeway Trumps Picard!
Chuck Ruck | 12/21/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Disappointed that the original Battlestar Galactica is too short? If you are a sci-fi fan, and looking for a fun series about a ship on a long voyage home, buy Star Trek Voyager. I got into it because I was somewhat disappointed by the last few seasons of ST: The Next Generation (TNG). Despite Captain Picard's vow to "explore strange new worlds," TNG does not do this as much by the last half of the series.
Voyager is true to the original Star Trek concepts. First, Starship Voyager DOES explore strange new worlds--in the Delta Quadrent, and some of them are pretty cool! Practically every episode is full of incredible writing, plot twists, and themes about humanity.
Second, Kate Mulgrew plays a fantastic character. Admittedly I thought that having a woman captain, Catherine Janeway, was a politically-correct cop-out; I assumed that she would be even less swashbuckling than Picard. I was totally wrong; JANEWAY IS KIRK! She's a no-nonsense, "I-don't-take-crap-from-Borg" commander! If someone does a serious attack on her ship or kills a crew member, she's as compassionate but tough as Kirk in the original series.
Rick Berman and company continue their genius work in character developement. They build on the success of Spock and Data's humanity with Robert Picardo (no relation to Jean-Luc), the holographic doctor without a name. It is quite fascinating to watch this character's humanity change from being a ship's-computer character (at first, ignored by the crew) to a full-fledged crew member. Some of my favorite episodes are about him, like "Message in a Bottle" (season 4) and "Tinker, Tenor, Doctor, Spy" (season 6). Absolute comedy!
If the doctor-with-no-name were not enough character development, enter the Borg chick, Seven of Nine. It is an interesting concept to have a main character who was raised by the borg, mothered by Janeway (There must be a million trekkies drooling over Seven in her tight outfit), and given social lessons by the doctor. Seven is also a scientific asset for the crew in their quest home.
Speaking of the Borg if you are fascinated by the Collective--the most feared and merciless enemy of earth--count on the Voyager series. From the end of Season 3 to the final episode of Season 7 the Voyager crew blows away Borg ships in many episodes. It is a blast! The Borg queen, played by the same actress from "Star Trek: First Contact," gets her come-uppins.
But probably the greatest development of the Voyager series is an alien race that stomps the Borg like insects: Species 8472. I was so hoping the series would really develop more stories about these giant bug-like aliens, but perhaps the special effects were too expensive (in my greatest dreams a Star Trek movie about them would be great!)
But the best episode out of all Voyager seasons does not have this species in it. The enemy is a Napoleonic alien in a two part episode called "The Year of Hell" (season 4). It is an incredibly emotional story and the special effects are phenomenal. It is motion picture quality; Paramount should package it as Star Trek XII.
The Wedge | Santa Barbara, ca United States | 03/11/2008
(3 out of 5 stars)
"While the price has finally come down on the official Voyager series and I will now finally buy it so I can see them all without commercials I must warn you of Bootlegs and Fake Bootleg Imports. All of the items listed in the customer photos in a single box, colored kind of blue grey with a number 3 or 4 on the front of the box are bootlegs. How do I know? A seller sold me one without telling me it was any different from the official paramount version. the company was Huoyue, the paramount info on the box was incorrect, there was no barcode, there were misspellings on the box and typos. I have heard that the ones with Chinese lettering on them are bootlegs as well but I can not confirm this but at those low prices it must be. Take my advise, if you want the real thing buy it from sellers saying it isn't a bootleg or buy it from amazon. If you want to support crime then buy the bootleg. Sure the real ones are overpriced, paramount does that and it is sad when you consider how much cheaper shows like Stargate SG1 are."