STAR TREK VOYAGER - THE COMPLETE SEVENTH SEASON details the adventures of the Starfleet's most adventurous starship, the U.S.S. Voyager, as it is led by Captain Kathryn Janeway (Mulgrew) on missions into deep space.
"This final season box set has the overall best episodes.
Some of my favorites are among these and we finally get to see whether Voyager makes it home or not!
Unimatrix Zero Part II
When Janeway, Torres, and Tuvok go undercover as Borg drones, they attempt to free more Borg drones into unimartix zero.
Seven's cortical node malfunctions and without a replacement part, she will die. Icheb, the borg adolescent rescued from the collective considers donating his to save her.
Paris and Torres are invited by an alien civilization to use the Delta Flyer in a race with other ships.
After creating a new holoprogram of a movie theater and the crew watch a film, one of the crew is discovered unconscious and it is suspected that a crewmate attacked him.
Critical Care
The Doctor's program is stolen by an alien race who are desprately short of medical care on their planet.
Inside Man
Back in the Alpha Quadrant, Lt. Barclay sends a hologram of himself to Voyager in a data stream and announces plans to help Voyager to get home, but the plan won't work without some very risky measures.
Body and Soul
Seven, Harry Kim, and the doctor encounter an alien race who view holograms as mortal enemies. So seven has no choice but to hide the doctor's program in her Borg implants.
Harry Kim takes temporary command of an alien ship during a crisis.
Flesh and Blood Part I
Voyager rencounter's the Hirogen who they gave hologram technology to, but the holograms are now out of control and killing the Hirogen.
Flesh and Blood Part II
The holograms continue their onslaught and kidnap Torres. Voyager attempts a rescue mission.
Chakotay is hit by en energy blast that causes to move back and forth through time aboard Voyager.
Torres begins to have an unusually short temper and it is later found out it is because she is pregnant.
Voyager recieves a distress call from an alien prison ship.Voyager's crew have no choice but to take the prisoners in and get them to their destination. But unfortuately the prisoners escape.
Voyager is attacked by Klingon ship in the Delta Quadrant which has been travelling for nearly a century. As these Klingons have no knowledge of the peace treaty. The Klingons later suspect that Tom and B'Elanna's unborn child may be their savior.
The Void
Voyager is pulled into a void and it is later determined that there may be no way out. After some aliens are discovered there, it is thought that a way out may be possible. (guest stars Jonathan DelArco best known for his role of the borg drone known as Hugh in TNG)
Workforce Part I
All of Voyager's crew has been abducted and their memories supressed. They are all working on a planet in various locations. When one of the crew regains his memory, he tries to find his shipmates and restore their memories
Workforce Part II
When more of the crew are rescued, the authorities on the planet attempt to stop them.
Human Error
Seven creates a holoprogram of her shipmates as an experiment with socialization
Q returns with his son and wants him to stay on voyager for a while to learn about humanity
Author, Author
After the Doctor writes a novel and sends it to the Federation, it creates a major stirring among Voyager's crew. The doctor then tries to set up a meeting with a lawyer in the Federation to have his novel recalled.
Friendship One
Voyager receives a message from the Federation stating that an Earth probe sent out more than 300 years is near their location and want Voyager to retrieve it. Unfortunately the probe has decimated a nearby planet and the inhabitants are blaming Voyager for causing the trouble.
Natural Law
Seven and Chakotay crash through an energy barrier on a planet. The barrier surrounds an area inhabited by a primitive civilization and was put there to protect them from the other inhabitants by an unknown civilization. With no apparent way to get through and an unwillingness to deactivate it, The Crew explore opition to rescue Chakotay and Seven.
Voyager discovers a settlement of Talaxians (Neelix's race) on a nearby planet. They explain that they are low on supplies and need help.
Renaissance Man
Voyager encroaches on terriroty where warp travel is outlawed, and the owners insist on dismantling Voyager as punishment.
Endgame Part I
16 years later, Voyager has made it home, but with heavy losses. On the 10th anniversery of getting back, Janeway decides to go back in time to when Voyager skipped a 'too risky' shortcut through a Borg transwarp hub.
Endgame Part II
The older Janeway gives Voyager new shield technology from the future that will help the get past the Borg.
They also make a plan to destroy the hub as it will cripple the Borg, but it may mean having to stay in the Delta Quadrant.
This is a must buy for Voyager fans."
It Was The Best Of Times
A. Vork | 10/22/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I was raised on TOS, it was with excitement that I awaited STNG, as well as STDS. While I enjoyed STNG I accepted it slowly and only because of the characters whom I seemd to connect with. DS9 not so much, it became a soap opera to me and I couldn't follow or relate to the war story line at the time. But then came Voyager. My shining star in the Delta Quadrant. I go against every die hard TOS fan I have ever met when I say this is my all time favorite. Never have I enjoyed a series more, and the last season while peppered with some rather slow stories, ended the way I had always imagagined. Voyagers actors and techincal staff (writers, producers, directors, editors) should be commended for the level of stories that were told throughout it's lifespan. The final season came way to early in my opinion and I think that Paromount is sadly mistaken in it's choice to not use the characters in a motion picture. Give Voyager a chance and revel in it's creative and supremely implemented stories. Go Kathy!"
Some of the Best "Trek" Ever!
Godwhacker | Florida | 01/01/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Voyager got of to a shaky start, but the seventh and final season bubbles over with the magic that makes Star Trek the phenomena that it is. The series finally, "End Game I & II" is, for me, the best Star Trek story ever. Captain Janeway (Kate Mulgrew) breaks stereotypes by being a powerful female leader who does not sacrifice her femininity in the process. She can be as diplomatic as Picard or as ruthless as Kirk without missing a beat. Seven of Nine (Jeri Ryan) discovers her humanity and proves again that women can be both beautiful and powerful. The Doctor (Robert Picardo, a truly gifted actor), who's character is a hologram, adds both comic relief and expands the definition of life itself. Testing the limits of the human potential is what makes Star Trek great and this season of Voyager shows us just how powerful, alluring, and compassionate humanity can be."
Star treck fan
Ann Lilly | USA | 05/22/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I would buy every volum of each Star Treck they put out (Voyager, Deep Space 9 etc.) if only for the price tag.
Come on, $100.00 for each season thats been in syndication for how many years? Totally not fair. Will buy when prices come down, a lot. Again I love all of them. They are all entertaining. But the price tag, way too heafty."
It's the last season, but goes out with a 25 episode BANG!
Avid Music and DVD Fan | Boulder, CO USA | 02/02/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This is it. The final season of Star Trek: Voyager. With Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, and The Next Generation, the later seasons suffered a little bit in the writing areas due to the writers moving to a new show. Voyager did not have this problem since "Enterprise" didn't premiere until the fall AFTER Voyager ended. The Seventh season employs some of the best writing and storytelling of the entire series. The finale is a great episode, but not perfect. There are two multi-part stories in this season that are absolutely superb. Voyager couldn't go out without bringing back the saboteur Seska for a final hurrah. Dwight Schultz reprises his role as Barclay again, and Marina Sirtis makes an appearance. The Doctor makes a controvertial holonovel. Harry Kim takes his first command and Q returns again. Another great season. Highly recommend it to Star Trek fans and others alike.
Best Episodes:
Unimatrix Zero: Part II, Imperfection, Drive, Repression, Critical Care, Inside Man, Nightingale, Flesh and Blood, Shattered, Workforce: Parts I and II, Human Error, Q2, Author Author, Homestead, Renaissance Man, Engame"