"The 4th Season of Star Trek Voyager is the best yet. Kes' character moves on to a higer plain of existance in the 2nd episode and the new character Seven of Nine is introduced.There are some great episodes in the 4th season which are as follows:Scorpion Part IIAfter Janeway creates a temporary alliance with the Borg they work with Seven of Nine to develop a way to defeat their mutual enemy.The Gift.
After Seven of Nine is cut off form the Borg collective, The Doctor begins to remove her implants while Kes undergoes many transformationsDay of Honor
After ejecting the warp core and Paris and Torres retrieve it, the reveal their love to each other.Nemesis
After getting stranded on an alien planet, some of the locals coerce Chaoktay into helping them fight a war against their enemies.Revulsion
Voyager recieves a distress call from an alien hologram. He reveales that his ship was infected with a virus. The hologram begins to go crazy.The Raven
After Seven's Borg implants start to regenerate, She attempts to rejoin the Borg collective.Scientific Method
When the crew of Voyager begin getting strange sicknesses, it is revealed that a cloaked alien ship is conducting medical experiments on them. Year of Hell part I
Voyager is repeatedly attacked by a hostile alien ship with a temporal weapon. With half the ship destroyed, Janeway calls for
abandoning the shipYear of Hell part II
After most of the crew has evacuated, the remaining crew try to stop the temporal weapon.Random Thoughts
After Torres has hostile thoughts against an telepathic alien who bumps into her, she is arrested for having "violent thoughts" and is obligated to undergo a potentially damaging memory purge.Concerning Flight
Some of Voyager's equipment is stolen and is tracked to a nearby planet. Janeway discovers that her Leonardo da Vinci holodeck program merged with the doctor's emmiter putting DaVinci's program on the planetMortal Coil
After Neelix is killed in a shuttle accident, Seven reveals knowledge of a procedure which can bring him back to life.Waking Moments
After the crew starts having virtually identical nightmares, Chakotay learns that a sleeping alien race is causing it.Message in a Bottle
Voyager discovers a Federation ship on the other side of the galaxy through a network of alien relay stations. When they send
the doctor's program to the ship to call for help, the doctor learns that Romulans have taken over the ship.Hunters
After making sucessful contact with the Fedearation the crew starts recieving letters from their families. The aliens who own the relay stations, the Hirogen are furious at the fact that their stations are being used by Voyager and try to stop them. Prey
After discovering a member of species 8472, the aliens who nearly destroyed the Borg, a member of Hirogen demands that he be allowed to continue hunting it.Retrosepct
When Voyager is in trade negotiatons with a trader, Seven claims that he forcefully extracted Borg implants from her body.The Killing Game part I
The Hirogen has captured Voyager's crew and repressed their memories and replaced new ones into them to creat a simulation of WWII with the Hirogen as the German army and Voyager's crew as the French resistance.The Killing Game part II
The Doctor works to restore the memories of Voyager's crew while fending off the Hirogen.Vis a Vis
An alien species uses Paris' DNA to turn herself into a duplicate of him.The Omega Directive
Voyager's encounters an alien race manufacturing an extremely dangerous and supersecret molecule. Federation law requires them to destroy the molecules and all knowledge of their existance by any means necessary.Unforgettable
A female alien is brought on board voyager and tells Chakotay that they used to be in love but has to erase his memories of itLiving Witness
700 years in the future, the doctor's program is reactivated in an alien museum which has rewritten history about Voyager.Demon
Voyager discovers a fuel source on a "demon class" planet which is dangerous to even approach. They look for a way to get the fuel off the planetOne
Voyager encounters a large nebula that would take a year to go around and only month to go through. The problem is that only Seven is immune to the radiation in the nebula. The crew are put in stasis so they will be unaffected. Seven and the doctor are the only ones operating the ship.Hope and Fear
A member of a highly intelligent alien race who was nearly wiped out by the Borg claims to be able to decrypt a message that Voyager recieved from Starfleet. The mesage says that they sent an experimental ship to an area near them which will enable to get them home in months. Though Seven suspects it may be a trap the alien set to get revenge on Voyager for helping the Borg.There are special features on the DVD which have not yet been announced at the time of this review being submitted.This is a season that one should not miss."
Star Trak Voyager Series Release Sch.
Rene'e | 07/26/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Season 4: 9/28
Season 5: 11/2
Season 6: 12/7
Season 7: 12/21"
If you only buy one season of Voyager make sure it's S4!!!
Joseph M. Siegler | 07/08/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Season four was totally awesome. I really never watched Voyager on a regular basis until season 4. There is no bad episodes!!! Even the weaker episodes are still good! Season four had some major changes to it from the first couple of episodes in the season. Seven of Nine a half Borg/Human joined the cast, Kes left the series, Paris and Torres finally got together, the Doctor made contact with the Federation, the crew got a lot closer to home, and Voyager encountered the Borg, and many new and exciting enemies.Season four will give you great episodes like "Scorpion, part II", "Year of Hell, parts I and II", "Message in a Bottle", and many more!!! The only problem with the season was a classic season cliffhanger to help bring in season five. This is no big deal since season four was the greastest of Voyager and one of the best of Trek."
Three Words....
Borg Nut | Harrisburg, PA | 07/25/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Seven of Nine! This is where the series got to be excellent again. Voyager was one of those series that I watched only because I was an avid Trekky. If I missed an episode in the first three seasons, I wasn't exactly heartbroken...but when season four hit, I would cancel plans to be home to watch it. I never missed an episode.
Now...Seven of Nine was a great addition to the cast. Not to downplay Kes, but she bored me...it was just another telepath like Troi. It was done and needed to end. Seven of Nine alone made the show more interesting because of the dynamic she brought into the show. Using Borg innovation to gain an advantage with the many challenges of the Delta quadrant was a good move to revive the show. The Borg, are porbably one of the single best "villans" on television. Who doesn't know the line "Resistance is futile"??
I'm a nut about the Borg and reintroducing them was what made me want to watch. So while I say Seven of Nine are the three words that describe Season 4, I partially mean Jeri Ryan, but even more so, I was just psyched about reintroducing the Borg into the series. Even in Season Three, the two best episodes were Unity and Scorpion Part 1, primarily because of the Borg involvement.
Last...the Year of Hell episode is in this season. Next to the Series Finale, the Year of Hell was the best episode produced for the series. Can't wait to get this one!"
Pretty decent, solid season of Voyager
Joseph M. Siegler | Garland, TX USA | 10/06/2004
(4 out of 5 stars)
"I love Star Trek, I have since it was first on in the 60's (my dad tells me I used to watch it in my playpen in 1966 when I was only a year old!). :) Anyway, I consider myself a pretty good Star Trek fan, I've been watching as long as I can remember.
Voyager never quite did it for me when it was new. I think part of the reason was that they removed themselves from the established Star Trek continuity. You didn't have all the familiar sights of the Federation and whatnot. However, over time, the show has grown on me, even moreso since it went off the air. I have several Star Trek season sets, but I don't buy all of them, mostly because of the price of the things, and the fact that I won't rewatch them a zillion times, the cost kind of keeps me from buying all of them.
Having said that, I felt that Season 4 was a must buy. The reason was the introduction of Seven of Nine. Her visual look aside, I felt Seven was a pretty complex character, and while Seven based stories seemed to dominate for awhile, I felt she was a good mix to the crew. The fact that Jeri Ryan was pleasing (a little TOO pleasing for some people) to the eye kind of made it difficult for some people to look past her breasts and see the good character there. A Borg as a crewmember? That was a pretty radical concept back when this was new. None of the fans really knew how it would turn out. It turned out pretty well, and in Season 4 you can see the genesis of the character.
Also, we lost Kes this season. The production staff was on record saying that they didn't know what to do with the character. Personally, I thought the character was fine. There were some wonderful Kes stories in the first three years of the show, and I liked that Kes was a character that didn't have these hidden agendas, didn't want to have a command of her own, etc.. She was just a "nice" character. And that was lost. Shame, as I thought Jennifer Lien was both cute and pulled off what they did try to do pretty well.
There's several REALLY good stories in Season 4. Obviously, the introuction of Seven in the first episode is great (that's one beef I have with these seasons sets; season ending cliffhangers are spread over two sets, and you don't get part 1 of this thing). Ones I liked a lot were "The Gift" (The departure of Kes), The Year of Hell Pts 1/2 (The crew evacuates Voyager and it takes some supreme beatings), Message in a Bottle (The Doctor is transported back to the Alpha Quadrant), The Killing Game Pts 1/2 (The crew is forced to play war games on the Holodeck), Living Witness (a fabulous story where the crew is depicted 700 years in the future in a soceity's museum; depicted wrong). Hope and Fear (Starfleet sends a ship to bring Voyager home?).
There's plenty more good stuff in this season, but I don't want to just sit here and list them all. There's a good episode guide over at startrek.com for all these episodes, go check it out.
I gave this review 4 stars out of 5 because of the fact that I don't much care for what Paramount has done with the extras on these sets. They need commentaries, they need deleted scenes, they need a whole lot more stuff than the few flimsy documentaries they have included. I'm also not a fan of the actual packaging used on the Voyager sets, it seems pretty "cheap" to me. The episodes are great, so that's where the high mark comes from, but I'm disappointed in Paramount for dropping the ball on creating what could be really GREAT season sets; they seem content on just doing some work on them. What concerns me more is Paramount's history of releasing minimal releases, and then later on re-releasing them with far more extensive versions. They did that with all the Star Trek movies, I sure hope they aren't planning the same wiht the various TV show sets."