Extended television show with a relish of nostaliga...
Michelle L. Devon | Texas, USA | 02/25/2010
(4 out of 5 stars)
"My best friend is a Star Trek fan, from the original series, but she had never seen the TNG movies. I told her that was Trekkie sacrilege, and I purchased this movie on Amazon for the digital Unbox rental and we watched it together on the comp. One of my favorite aspect of Star Trek has always been the humor of it. Even in the darkest and direst situations, there was always a little humor, some punchlines, a few 'inside jokes'. Capt. Picard was too morose for me in this movie--understandably so, of course, but still. I do like the interplay between the two captains of the Enterprise, the 'then' and 'now', and the realization they aren't all that different.
As a maniacal 'drug-addict' seeks his fix (the "Nexus"), where Guinan tells Picard that the Nexus is a place you will never want to leave, that it will change you, like it did the maniac. When Picard actually does, later, end up in the Nexus, it isn't the perfect fantasy that it was foretold to be. This isn't because Picard is so much stronger than any ordinary man either, as I'm sure it's intended to be. I mean, think about it: the villain in this show is willing to kill literally billions of people and has already killed thousands, just to return to the Nexus--Guinan talks about how she never wants to go back again, for fear of never wanting to leave.... but then, Picard and Kirk BOTH leave very easily, and the entire crew ended up in the Nexus too - but they all leave with absolutely no side effects? I maybe be missing something, since I know there were timeline issues with Picard, but how much of that was in his timeline, how much wasn't real/didn't happen when he went 'back' to before the Nexus... I guess my point is, it wasn't well done so that the confusion/questions I have made it seem plausible enough to suspend my disbelief for the sake of entertainment.
Still, I really did enjoy the interplay between the two captains. I like Kirk being more relaxed, if you will. I still love the humor--but I can honestly say that I hated the way they 'killed' Kirk the first time, even though we realize later he's not dead--after all, for 80 some-odd years or so, history deemed him dead, and that was a really cruddy and unceremoniously way to die. Sure, he saved the whole crew, but it was a really poor way for the legend to 'fade' into obscurity. And then, when he's found in the Nexus and they bring him back again, they had a chance to redeem themselves, and they went and did it to him again! Darn it all!
"It was fun!" at least...
I still say it was a great movie, and it fit with the Star Trek empire just fine, but I do think for the first TNG movie and the only one to really bring together the 'original' and the 'new', it could have done a bit better than this is. Still well worth watching though!