Hudson Music and Stanton Moore are thrilled to announce the release of the Groove Alchemy DVD, a complete method for developing a massive vocabulary of grooves in various funk-based styles, along with a historical overview... more » of some of the key grooves in the development of funk. Says Moore: Groove Alchemy reflects the program that I have put myself through to improve my own funk and groove playing. It s a groove boot camp that will vastly increase your knowledge of classic grooves and more importantly, will also ignite your imagination and make you a funkier and more creative drummer. On the 3-hour Groove Alchemy DVD, Stanton presents a historical overview of some of the most important drum grooves in history, showing the basic elements and conceptual development of each groove. He then shows you how to learn from the past and develop your own complete vocabulary for creating new funk grooves and patterns on the drumset. Starting with an in-depth study of the James Brown drummers (especially Clyde Stubblefield and Jabo Starks) and Joseph Zigaboo Modeliste of the Meters, Groove Alchemy goes far beyond a mere history lesson by applying Stanton s concepts for making your own playing more creative, musical, and funky. Topics include using variation and style combination to create new grooves, using rhythmic structures and clave ideas for advanced drum set vocabulary, hi-hat concepts, getting creative with backbeat grooves, a look at how to develop swing and shuffle grooves, and more. Intercut with the educational segments, Stanton s trio also performs new tracks from their latest CD (also called Groove Alchemy, Telarc Records), showing how many of the grooves discussed are applied directly to the music. Bonus features include slow-motion segments of key grooves« less