Very good--but this is more basic than it is advanced level
Matthew G. Sherwin | last seen screaming at Amazon customer service | 05/16/2009
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Standard Deviants School - Advanced Spanish, Program 4 - Spanish Prepositions (Classroom Edition) has lots of information regarding prepositions. In my opinion, the bulk of the subject matter on this DVD is actually basic Spanish for the second or third semester student. Truly advanced topics including the subjunctive mood, compound verb tenses using the verb haber and more should be covered in the intermediate or advanced level of study. At any rate, prepositions can easily confuse Spanish students and this DVD gives us very important information in an easy to understand format. They used a few too many jokes and gimmicks for my taste; but many people will like the little bit of fooling around that the actors do to make the material less threatening and more interesting.
The DVD introduces 16 prepositions to the student. We get such words as "lejos de" (far from) and "cerca de" (close to); and there are other important words including "con" (with) and "sin" (without). The DVD also does a fine job of introducing "a," "de," and "en;" these can be very tricky because they don't always translate neatly into their English equivalents.
In addition, the DVD introduces other important words such as the direct object pronouns "lo," "los," "la" and "las." These pronouns replace words in a sentence so that a person doesn't have to repeat themselves too often when they talk. This has real value because Spanish speaking people use these words all the time when they talk. We even learn a little bit about "the personal 'a'" as well!
The DVD does not go into other pronouns including "le," "les" and "se;" this would have been too much information for a 26 minute DVD to cover and so they made a wise decision to avoid these words.
Overall, this DVD has good educational value for students who have some Spanish under their belt but who need to study or review basic prepositions and the basics of direct object pronouns. I recommend this DVD for these Spanish students. You may want to watch it twice in a row as I did for a thorough review; but it will be well worth your time.