The Genesis of a New Heroine?
S. Sobotka Jr. | Southeast USA | 01/13/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Stan Lee sets up a new super heroine, with a bit of a twist on one of his older character premises -- that of one of Spider Man's old villains, the Chameleon -- by creating a new character, Maggie; an up and coming actress and college student, who finds herself thrust into a situation that leads to an unexpected adventure.
I won't spoil this too much, but it involves a search for ancient artifacts, a race of shape-shifters and a freak accident that gives Maggie her newly-acquired abilities (seems to be a classic Stan Lee approach to how a normal person becomes a super-human, but it really never gets old).
Anna Paquin does great, as do the rest of the voice cast (notable is Gary Chalk, from recent TRANSFORMERS fame).
The film does do some conventions that you don't normally see in animation (blood and broken bones, to name a few), so I really don't recommend this for younger kids. A few jaded comic book fans may just yawn at the story, but the writing is classic Marvel (Scott Lobdell did the screenplay, based on Stan Lee's story). I only recommend this for any true collector of Lee's work and animation in general, but aside from that I enjoyed this DVD.
- SRS"
Stan Lee Presents Superhero Barbie
Bennet Pomerantz | Seabrook, Maryland | 04/26/2007
(2 out of 5 stars)
"Mosaic is a made for video cartoon, similar to current trend in animated adventures akin to Marvel's Ultimate Avengers, Iron Man or (Upcoming) Dr Strange...However that is where the similar style ends.
Stan Lee, The creator of Spiderman, Dardevil, The Fantastic Four and Stripperella (well 3 outta 4 aint bad), did the story of this female high schooler from the high school of the performinbg arts, who gains super powers from a mystical rune stone. It sound like a revamped female Spiderman without a radioactive spider...and it dont work.
When it plays out, the chatacter of Maggie acts like a teen Superhero Barbie doll
The first problem is Scott Lobdell, who can write an X-Men comic book so well, seems lost in the script of this animated adventure. He give Lee's Script an edge, but it seems like a recycled Spidey to me.
The second problem is Oscar Winner Anna Paquin (Rogue from the X-Men movies) and Kirby Morrow (From Stargate: Atlantis) try to act the linesm rather than playing it like a cartoon.They sound so wooden in their vocal presentation. Paquin, who was in xmen, should know superhero text is more over the top..she plays it like Shakespeare
the good news, This animated cartoon is better than most cartoon stuff out today. The visual efforts are over done, but it works to convex its action
For 72 minutes, it draws so slow it feels like 2 hours> Foe a made for video animated adventure, i have seen better
Bennet Pomerantz AUDIOWORLD
Good Story
Bradley Van Dalen | new york | 06/26/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"not my favorite stan lee movie, but the story is good and there are some funny points to it. Id buy it and watch again."