I tried
thorvald | USA | 09/23/2010
(2 out of 5 stars)
"I tried. I really tried to watch this movie, but just couldn't make it.
It's not that the movie is that bad--I wasn't expecting high art--it's that I kept getting hopelessly distracted by the clumsy presentation. There would be, for example, a scene with four characters having a conversation. The four characters lined up in a row, clearly staying strictly on their marks, unmoving, reciting their lines. Clumsy and unnatural. It was stage sit-com style missing 4th wall shooting rather than film style. Odd and very distracting. Just one example but things like this completely took me out of any storyline that might be taking place."
Put a stake in it..
tmp | Solar System, MA USA | 08/26/2010
(1 out of 5 stars)
"There's "Scary Movie" and then there's this. Gawdawful parody of about every horror movie you've ever seen, with the accent on "Van Helsing", which was pretty terrible to begin with. The humor level is about that of a five year old laughing maniacally and inexplicably after having said "poop";
I want the time back."