"From one of the creative minds behind Adult Swim's smash Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Squidbillies pushes the limits for offensiveness compared to some of the other shows on the Adult Swim lineup, and in some cases, even goes over it. It's all good however, considering that Squidbillies is mostly pure comic glee. The show revolves around an ex-con, hillbilly, talking squid named Early, who is re-united with his illegitamite son in backwoods redneck country. In between the series of mis-adventures that the two embark on, they deal with crack-pot family members, and a sheriff that has his share of problems. There's plenty of gross out gags and cliche' hillbilly behavior, and for the most part it's all frequently hilarious throughout. The animation style may not be everyone's cup of tea to be sure, but it suits the environment and the setting. As said before, Squidbillies is definitely not for everyone, but it keeps on supplying the laughs, and in that department alone, is worth checking out."
Funniest Adult Swim Show
Gremlin | Carthage, Tx United States | 10/04/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Yea!! I'm so glad this is finally on DVD. This is absolutely my favorite of the Adult Swim shows. You wouldn't think a show about insane, incestuous, drink-addled hillbilly squids would be described as clever and witty, but this show is. It's also disgusting and creepy most of the time, but I enjoy that as well. Can't wait to see all the extras."
Overtly Racial Diamond in the Rough.
RdMaxx | Mid MO | 11/01/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Expand your physical, social, and metaphysical, boundary's then expand your mind with party liquor good times! WHOO! Travel to the deep south with the adventures of a uniquely dysfunctional family of squids known as the Cuyler clan.
This family lacks any modern day form of inhibitions. Running around scantily clad and often times only wearing a hat. Through good times and bad the family is continually brought closer together, so that they may once again beat the ever living crap out of one another.
This 2 disk DVD collection is a real keeper. You wont be disappointed in the mind numbing display of violent, corruption, and extreme overt racism. Makes a great stocking stuffer and if it don't fit, what were you thinking its a box of DVD's they go in the DVD player not a stocking.
I have watched this DVD collection twice over and continually on adult-swim as often as I can. Season 3 will start in 2008. I highly recommend this DVD box set be added to your collection. If not yours then perhaps the collection of a roommate you owe rent money to as a distraction to the fact that your a lazy bum that spent the last of your money on a DVD box set and are to busy watching one of the best shows ever made to go get a job. I would like to think we have all been there.
Dictated but not read.
You'll buy it. Yeah! You'll buy anything!
Craig Luft | Michigan | 08/21/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Squidbillies is of course a funny show. Aqua Teen's Dave Willis is one of the creators, and freqently does voices. Anyone addicted to inexplicable Master Shake speak will find similar comedic gold. And some brutal rape and incest humor.
The thing I don't hear enough, or even at all is that this show is beautiful. The backgrounds have gorgeous brush strokes, scratches and spots. The characters have a squiggly "drawn" look, and at the same time move remarkably smoothly and are extremely expressive and articulate. If this show sucked I'd turn the sound off and just look at it.
I feel guilty watching Squidbillies because so much love obviously went into it. I don't think I have half as much love in my heart as is in this show."
Oh yes....
Rogue Splicer | Norfolk, VA | 08/22/2007
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Squidbillies has got to be one of the funniest shows on Adult Swim's lineup. I have been eagerly awaiting the DVDs for some time now and will be buying them as soon as they are released! It's about time!!!"