Whatever happened to Spongebob?...
(1 out of 5 stars)
"...Stephen Hillenburg left, that's what. I know he never would have allowed episodes this condescending, this obnoxious, this unclever [if that even is a word] to ever be made. I was surprised by all the positive reviews, because this is definitely by FAR the worst Spongebob DVD ever made. At least Spongicus (the DVD that came directly after this) is watchable and semi-amusing. Here is a list of the episodes featured here an how I rate them on a scale of 0 to 4 stars.:
*Whatever Happened to Spongebob?: 1/2. This episode, with its painfully ironic title, is boring and unfunny. But perhaps what bothered me the most is how unsympathetic and shallow the characters have become-- it used to be that deep down, Squidward cared about spongebob, but he wouldn't admit it even to himself; now he simply loathes him more than anything else.
*Goo Goo Gas: 0 Stars. This has got to be the most intelligence-insulting Spongebob episode ever. The creators seem to think that the viewers are too stupid to figure out even the simplest of scenarios, so they need to have it explained to them onscreen. One line in particular, "Spongebob is a baby but Krabs is back to normal?" made me want to weep for the future of this once great cartoon.
*The Two Faces of Squidward: 0 Stars. This episode was genuinely painful to watch. I didn't even make it all the way through.
*Spongehenge: +. Not especially funny or entertaining; has a vague blandness to it.
*Banned in Bikini Bottom: +1/2. Plot and humor are uninspired.
*Stanley S. Squarepants: 1/2. A thoroughly obnoxious episode that is almost as painful to watch as "The Two Faces of Squidward".
After Stephen Hillenburg left, there was a period when new Spongbob episodes were just sort of decent/okay. It wasn't until recently that they became indescribably bad.
Spongebob needs to make a turnaround soon before it's too late.
Awesome for Spongebob fans!!
Karebear | 01/12/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"For some reason I couldn't find this anywhere in the stores, so I was very happy to find it at amazon.com when I was searching for other things for xmas presents. My nehphew, who is the biggest spongebob fan, LOVED it!!! He had told me the title, and like I said was dissappointed I couldn't find it, so it was a delight that I really found him the one he wanted so badly. Thanks! He said it's a good one!"