Some Really Good Episodes, Some Really Bad Episodes!
Chad Snavely | Pennsylvania | 01/31/2009
(4 out of 5 stars)
This Dvd in my opinion is pretty good! There are some really cool episodes on this disc. Included are some pretty lame Special Features(Spongicus Storyboard Panels, and Character Art). The following is a list of the included episodes:
1. Spongicus
2. Suction Cup Symphony
3. House Fancy
4. Krabby Road
5. Penny Foolish
6. Nautical Novice
7. Not Normal- If you wonder what SpongeBob would be like completely normal you will love this episode! It is one of my personal favorites of the whole series!
Spongebob turns to Spongeboob!
Elli D. | So. Cal. | 03/01/2009
(1 out of 5 stars)
"I am an all time fan of Spongebob and have enjoyed many laughs with it. But this is a mockery of the very name Spongebob! The jokes are poorly written and inspire only minimal laughter. Spongebob has turned from an all around nice guy to an obnoxious punk! Every time I hear him talk I want to cover my ears and scream. I'll admit there is some funny but only if you find pointless and ridiculous jokes funny. Honestly I used to have high expectations for Spongebob but since "Where's Gary" I've lost hope altogether in Spongebob. If you want Spongebob I highly recommend seasons 1, 2, and 3 that's where the real laughs are."
I have lost faith in Spongebob.
Elli D. | 05/30/2009
(2 out of 5 stars)
"Spongebob was once a very good cartoon. But since the forth season it's just been getting worse and worse. I think it just finished its sixth season, and frankly I'm surprised it's still going, it's so awful now. It must be because of all the die-hard Spongebob fans out there who refuse to believe that this show is goign down the drain (badump-ch). Really, these new episodes are painful to watch, they're so bad. They're crude and unfunny and tasteless and all that. I used to get excited when I heard new Spongebob episodes were coming out, now I just don't really care. I've moved on to better cartoons, and instead of wasting you're money on this disgraceful dvd, I sugest you do the same."
An improvement over WhoBob WhatPants, but still don't expect
Elli D. | 04/06/2009
(2 out of 5 stars)
"While I will admit this DVD is better than WhoBob WhatPants (the episodes here are at least watchable), it's nowhere near the wit and sophistication of the first three-- and to a lesser degree, the fourth-- seasons. I think the biggest problem is that Spongebob has lost its maturity. It used to be a cartoon designed to appeal to adults as well as kids, but now it's clearly meant to cater to undiscerning 8-and-unders. Here I will give a list of the episodes featured here, and how I rate them on a scale of 0 to 4 stars:
*Spongicus: 0 Stars. This titular episode is definitely the worst. There is no plot to speak of, and the jokes have terrible pacing.
*Suction Cup Symphony: +. A bit insulting to the viewer's intelligence; relies mostly on overdone jokes.
*House Fancy: +1/2. Has its moments of laughability, though the humor is mostly violent or potty-related.
*Krabby Road: +. Jokes are poorly paced.
*Penny Foolish: ++. Has an okay plot, and the humor is decent enough.
*Nautical Novice: +. Mostly unfunny and condescending, except for the briliant "sailor laugh" moment. And why does Mrs. Puff have buck teeth?
*Not Normal: ++1/2. The best episode on the disc. It's somewhat amusing, and maybe even a bit thought-provoking.
*Gone: ++. An overall okay episode; one joke was recycled from the movie.
So there you have it. Let's hope the writers come to their senses soon.