It's top of the class for slasher flick terror! Students at an Ivy League university campus are thrown into total panic by a gruesome series of murders as young men and women are hideously picked off one by one. The killer... more », a horribly twisted psychopath escaped from an asylum, lurks in the darkest corners and strikes where least expected, including a drive-in and a classroom. Pretty young Julie senses the terrible evil is coming for her next, and she pieces together the clues that lead to the ultimate showdown and a final exam in sheer, blood-curdling terror!« less
Splatter University is one of those so bad it's good school slasher movies. The movie really doesn't have much going for it with the acting and directing, but it has blood and lots of it. The movie is cheesy, and some of the acting was so friggen bad that it was hilarious. The cast was full of nice looking girls, but not much in the bar ass department. Aw, shucks. The movie also did a great job with introducing some great potential killers, but for some reason, for me, the real killer made himself obvious. With that being said, I still thought the ending of the movie was great, even though the heroine was killed.
When you think of school slasher movies, you usually think of a lot of bare t n' a, sadly this movie didn't have very much of that (but it did have a lot of teases). Some of the camera work was really shaky and overall bad, the directing and editing really lacked as well, but in a very weird way, it added a lot to the cheesiness of the movie. The killer, in my opinion, even though they tried to introduce other potential killers, was very obvious. But, perhaps that was intentional. I also really disliked that the would be heroine Julie (Francine Forbes), the leading lady of the film, get's killed in the climax of the movie. She was the cutest cast member, and the one I was rooting for!
I loved this movie. It wasn't as cheesy as the Slumber Party/Sorority House Massacre movies, as well done as Slaughter and Hell High, or as funny as Return To Horror High, but it was great. The movie had a lot of blood, (intentional and unintentional) humor, chicks, bad hair-do's, bad acting and everything else you would want in a cheesy drive-in-style movie. I would highly recommend this for fans of the above listed movies, and of course to gore hounds. The movie had a lot of that, and it was very well done (for the era), which can be a rarity. One other thing that confused me was that the DVD cover had photos of two deaths on the back, both of which are not in the movie. Weird"
I love amazon and the US for having such a variety of DVDs.
Shelley Wake | Perth, Western Austrlia Australia | 02/17/2007
(3 out of 5 stars)
"Glad to have bought it. I love old slasher flicks and its great to have such a large selection to choose from."
Splatter U Now!
Richard Nervous | Florida | 05/01/2009
(3 out of 5 stars)
"I know that a lot of people hate this film, I mean, there are a lot of things to hate it for, but I keep going back to it to watch it. Maybe it's the overall cheese factor with this film. It's really not that good but it's one of those movies that I like to watch again and again.
The plot, what little there is, is about murders happening on a school campus. Let's look at the good and bad as far as I see it:
1. Good gore effects
2. Horrendous acting and dialogue (it's seriously laughable, at least I did)
Everything else. Seriously, this movie was shot on 16mm then blown up to 35mm. It has no redeeming value and is a slow mover but the gore is entertaining. The mistakes are left in, it's like they could only do one take even if an actor screwed up their lines.
I don't love this movie but if I'm heading off to bed from time to time I like to pop it in. It's a stupid, insipid flick but I still like it!"
If I ever escape from an asylum, I'D go there!
D. Gorman "Crystalline Structure M | 07/29/2008
(3 out of 5 stars)
"You know, I was going to be generous and give this a 3 star rating even before I saw any other reviews because after all this is SUPPOSED TO be a low-budget, cheap, cheesy '80s slasher flick and I only paid 8 bucks for it, so why not? Sure, the script, acting, special effects, sound and picture quality are all absolutely wretched, and I would never put MY name on anything that was so poorly made. But like I said, it's only a cheap, cheesy slasher flick, and they needed to save all the money they could so they could buy as much red fingernail polish (that they used to simulate blood) for all the bloody corpse scenes. okay, so a psycho killer maniac escapes from a mental institution, goes to the nearest college and starts killing people at random. Sure, it's not an original premise, but what do you expect from a movie called "Splatter U."? And if I ever escaped from a mental institution, that's exactly what I'd do! As I said, the script, plot, acting, special effects and production values are all horrible, and if I was to rate this movie solely on those qualities, this film would rate "A BIG FAT ZERO!" But since I happen to like low-budget, cheap, cheesy, worthless '80s slasher flicks (simply for the excessive gratuitous violence, if nothing else), allow me to break down my rating system for you:
1 Star: Because one of the actresses looks a lot like a girl I know and have a crush on in real life. I'm still trying to get her to go out with me, but that still has to be worth a star.
1 Star: For all the gruesome deaths and gratuitous violence. After all, that's why you watch movies like this. Right? And they had to have gone through a fortune in red fingernail polish to make all that fake blood. That HAS to be worth a star!
1 Star: Was going to be awarded for the obligatory topless and/or shower scene, but they didn't have one! Imagine making a movie like Splatter U. without even one obligatory nude shower scene! But, I'm still feeling generous, so I'll give a star out because a few of the girls were cute and they all had those "real cool" '80s hairstyles. Girls with '80s hair has got to be worth a star!
So there you have it! Three stars for this distinctive slasher flick! If you like this kind of thing, you'll have a blast.
If not.......well, just look out behind you!
Not Bad--a campy drive - in type horror flick
BUFFY/CHARMED/Star Wars Finatic! | RHODE ISLAND | 06/15/2008
(3 out of 5 stars)
"This movie wasn't bad. It's just about a psycho who escapes a mental institution and kills primarily women at a catholic univeristy.
The movie moves along quite nice, but doesn't really get into the reason behind the why this psycho kills poeple--guess cuase he's just plan nuts!!
I like the grainy ealy 80's look of the film and the clothes and hair are laughable--what's more laughable is that this flick must have been on a real tight budget--for days and nights go by and many of the characters wear the same clothes everyday!!! The gore is typical for the time it was filmed, stabbings, throats slashed and lots of fake blood everywhere....
If you like old type B / Drive In Flicks and can get it cheap, it's worth picking up to watch occasionally with some popcorn."