Sandy has stumbled onto a lair of torture and humiliation. She was abducted and brought to this pit of pain as the next intended victim. But Sandy overthrows her captor and kills him. Does she release the other prisoners? ... more »Does she call the police? No. Her mind snaps and she assumes control over the prisoners, taking them as her own playtoys. Naked bodies writhe in ecstasy as blood runs down the walls in this chilling tale of madness and revenge. I SPIT ON YOUR CORPSE, I PISS ON YOUR GRAVE is a swirl of insanity, a carnival of carnage, a festival of filth, and an onslaught of sleaze! Also starring JEFF ATWATER, D.J.VIVONA Features:
S. Morales | Levittown, NY United States | 10/28/2002
(1 out of 5 stars)
"Amazon has this movie as a 1974 release, which is one of the main reasons I bought it. It's not a 74' release, it's a 2001 release by a group of about 10 inexperienced, amateurish, 20-something "filmakers." The "plot" is on a girl who meets her escaped from jail b/f in the woods and he takes her to some guys house where he has captured 3 different guys who have in some way done this girl wrong.
The b/f says he will kill her too, but she ends up defending herself and killing him instead. The tables turn and instead of releasing these guys she decides to torture and kill them one by one in some inhumane ways (pretty sick stuff, but so badly done it's stupid). After her revenge, the movie's over.
This "film" runs 73 minutes long, and about the first 20 are pointless overly run shots of the b/f's brother attacking a girl (which really has nothing at all to do with the story) and some pointless still shots of religious statues in a cemetary (which also have no meaning whatsoever to the movie).
...It took them 8 days to shoot this thing...8! How good of a movie can you have in 8 days? It just looks like people who were bored and needed something to do. And the sex scenes?! Ridiculous! There is 1 real lovemaking scene which is the stupidest thing ive ever seen on film. One sodomizing scene with a broom handle, which i guess could be "graphic," and a scene of the girl masterbating with the broomstick (which is the only good part of the movie). The extras are funny though, not in a good way. "the making of" stuff runs waaayyyy too long for such short and cheap of a movie, and the fact that these people are proud of their efforts is even more pathetic. I can't say enough bad things about this dvd! It's boring, it's stupid, it's extremely low budget. This is the kind of movie that shouldn't be sold but be distributed free for promotional uses (ok, maybe they should sell it, but for no more then 10 bucks!) When I got this I thought I was actually buying a REAL movie, obviously I was very sadly disappointed. DON'T BUY THIS, YOU'LL REGRET IT, I GUARANTEE IT!"
B. Lovian | United States | 03/31/2005
(1 out of 5 stars)
"This sexploitation/revenge "homemade video" might have at least a bit of campy appeal if it were really made in 1974. But no, this is a 2001 job and has no value at all. It's not scary. It's not funny. It's not sexy (though it is explicitly sadistic enough to fall in the category of pornography; I'm surprised Amazon even sells it). The acting and production values are atrocious. It's a miserable mess. I fast forwarded through most of it until finally I gave up on it. Simply unwatchable."
Not as shocking as it thinks it is
Mungo__Park | Milwaukee, WI | 06/15/2005
(3 out of 5 stars)
"Apparently the film-maker thinks he is pushing the boundaries of what is acceptable to put in a movie, but (most) of the scenes in the film have been done better elsewhere. A great deal of the film simply consists of shots of a graveyard, shots of Jesus statues, more shots of tombstones, some meaningless dialog, and then some more dumb footage of something or other. The acting was better than to be expected, and of course the highly unexpected (and highly un-titilating) broom-handle insertion scene is kind of shocking, but on the whole after watching it I kind of wanted to spit on the director and piss on this DVD for wasting my time."
....No Comment.....
Crowsdreamofdeth | Pennsylvania | 08/17/2005
(1 out of 5 stars)
"Extremely low budget horror flick that could have had potential if it would have been filmed by someone with talent rather than what appears to be a group of young "filmmakers" who have no clue as to what they are doing. Basically, "I Spit on Your Corpse, I Piss on Your Grave" consists of a short series of disgusting sadistic acts perpetrated on three men by a short haired, tattooed, and really, really nasty butch lesbian who concludes her reign of terror by revoltingly masturbating in graphic stomach churning detail (I feel the bile rising into my throat just thinking about it) with full penetration with a broom stick before sodomising the sole surviving man with it.
Not only did "I Spit on Your Corpse.." lack talented actors, but it was in need of better camera angles, a grittier, creepier atmosphere, and less time focusing on one of the lamest looking cemeteries I've ever seen as well as experimentation with their camera's special effects which took up what seemed like half of the movie.
For those that are looking for a movie similar to "I Spit on Your Grave" which was a far superior movie, don't bother with this filth."
How can anyone like this movie?
Crowsdreamofdeth | 03/02/2003
(1 out of 5 stars)
"About the only thing I can say that is good about this movie is that it is not hollywood, but really who cares? This is not a horror movie. In fact all it is is a cheap porn/snuff film that is pathetic because there wasn't even a good sex scene. It was not scary, it was not sexy, it did not shock me. I knew what was going to happen in every scene. Some scenes were drawn out for too long. In reality this movie could be made in one day, thats how stupid it was. PLEASE DO NOT SEE THIS MOVIE! It was a waste of time. I ended up fastforwarding through the whole thing. Maybe a little too much crystal meth and marajuana was involved in the making of the film and the proceeds should go to rehabilitation and incarceration of the creators of this movie. I believe that anyone who has any intelligence will agree...."