Video can improve focus for runners and athletes
K. Lisson | Albany, NY | 09/22/2009
(4 out of 5 stars)
"As an athlete, I enjoyed watching the video There's a Spiritual Solution to Every Problem. Dyer quotes St. Francis of Assisi and Mother Teresa in making the point that we should give the world our best, regardless of how we are treated. That part was good for my spiritual development, but the most important part for me was the concept that positive thoughts make us stronger and negative thoughts and shame make us weaker. Dyer spoke about this, but it was the demonstration in the DVD extras section that hit the point home. He could easily overpower a volunteer when she thought of a bad relationship, but she held her own when focused on a good relationship. I will use this concept on my training runs and in my half marathon by focusing on positive thoughts and not getting frustrated and angry at cars and pedestrians in my way."
Short But Sweet
----john J. Butera | WOODLAND PARK, CO USA | 12/09/2009
(4 out of 5 stars)
"In this DVD presentation Dr. Dyer does a wonderful job of clearing up the smoke caused by the fire and smoldering embers of problems we have in our lives. The Solution is GOD, or Source as he says. This expansion through the use of the wisdom of St. Francis and Mother Theresa to name two, is beautifully poinant and inspirational. It is something so powerful yet so forgotten in times of stress, pain and suffering. GOD is our source and we are one with Him, it is our ego and illusion that seperates us and causes us to feel we must solve these problems. This ego involvement is the problem and GOD is the solution. As Christ said to St. Catherine of Siena, I AM and you are Not, it is all about GOD and our relationship to Him. All the rest is an illusion, for in time it will all pass away except you and GOD, that is the constant so why not stay with your Source of every Good and Perfect Gift from above!
Included is a demonstration of Applied Kinesiology and how just thoughts of shame, falseness, and failure weaken us or thoughts of Love Peace Joy strengthen us. Not new info by any means but none the less an important refresher.It brings to mind St. Pauls edict to think on things that are Lovely True Beautiful and GODly. Also, Amazing Grace is song by the church's choir and his daughter Sky, a song I never tire of hearing and so fitting at the end of this beautifully uplifting and inspiring DVD. I hope you get to see it and be blessed by it. JB"