Spiritrider, an uplifting, positive and beautiful story!
Dr. Karl O. Edwards | 05/22/2001
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This rich and well constructed story begins with the camera following Jessie Threebears as he races his bike through city streets. He is a street wise high school boy placed in a foster care home. His social worker visits to tell him that he is to be reconciled with his family and his tribe. Jessie has big dreams of competing in the Tour de France and does not want to leave the only life he knows for the reservation. The tribe greets him warmly but Jessie is angry and resentful. Slowly, he learns new truths. This story addresses many themes--life on the reservation, adolescent alienation from family and community, forgiveness, belonging and self acceptance. It's a great story with a cast of some great Native American actors."
Spirit Rider
A. R. HALL | Thomasville, NC | 01/18/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This was a wonderful movie. True to life, as native americans are tossed into our messy society, they can get lost. Their souls misunderstood and in short, they lose their way for a time. This young boy is no exception to the lessons one has to learn growing up and apart from his heritage. Being under the advisement of an elder, one has the promise to regain his or her confidence in the old way, and has the hope of getting back on the right road.
This movie is a good example to all who are at that age where trying to gain "independence" is more important then the consequences when they disconnect. We all are in this life together, like a web weaved so gently. Sooner or later we all come to our own conclusions, but only one truth. We are all connected.
Any movie with Graham Greene in it always proves to me to be a winner..
Thank you"
If you liked "Smoke Signals............"
E. Allen | 09/14/2002
(4 out of 5 stars)
"This a very good movie with much of the same stars as Smoke Signals. The story line is also very similar......
A young Anishinabe man comes to grips with his grandfather after learning it was he who caused a fire that killed his mother and the father of another young anishinabe man. The other young man is played by Evan Adams. The journey in Smoke Signals is replaced by a horse race storyline, and the two young men are rivals instead of friends. Other wise this is very similar. Not as good as Smoke Signals, but a good movie if you take it on its own merits. A little high priced at 25-26$."
Heart warming
E. Allen | Liberal, KS | 11/01/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Spirit Rider, begins with an inner city kid, forced to leave the only thing he knows the city. The young teen has to make many adjustments in his new surroundings, and learn many things about himself,and his heritage. I found the film very indearing, and family friendly."