He's an interstellr adventurer. She's a young rebel. Together they set out on a mission to rescue three stranded women, from a planet no one has warned them about. Because no one has ever returned. In the year 2136, Wolff ... more »(Peter Strauss), a wily salvage pilot and intergalactic bounty hunter, answers a distress signal on Terra Eleven. Agreeing to pick up three women who've been shipwrecked, he lands on the planet only to discover they've been kidnapped. Following their trail, Wolff soon encounters Niki (Molly Ringwald), a spunky orphan who agrees to guide him across the Forbidden Zone, a vast wasteland populated by plague-infested mutants. After many battles, Wolff and Niki finally reach the lair of Overdog (Michael Ironside), the planet's half-man/half-machine ruler. Discovering the women are held captive in Overdog's slave pens, Wolff's rescue mission finally begins. Starring: Peter Strauss (xXx: State of the Union), Molly Ringwald (Sixteen Candles), Ernie Hudson (Ghostbusters), Michael Ironside (Top Gun) Contains: English subtitles« less