In this never-before-seen Director?s Cut, the doors of the world?s imagination are thrown wide open and the boys of South Park are transported to a magical realm in their greatest odyssey ever. Stan, Kyle, and Butters find... more » themselves in Imaginationland just as terrorists launch an attack that unleashes all of mankind?s most evil characters imaginable. With the world?s imaginations spinning out of control, the government prepares to nuke Imaginationland to put an end to the chaos. Racing against time to prevent nuclear annihilation, the citizens of Imaginationland realize their only hope of salvation lies in the mind of the unlikeliest hero: Butters. Ignoring the impending apocalypse, Cartman goes all the way to the Supreme Court to get justice for his case of dry balls.« less
"If anyone has ever had any doubt whatsoever of the sheer, underrated brilliance of South Park creators Trey Parker and Matt Stone, then they must see the Imaginationland Trilogy. It all begins with a bet between Cartman and Kyle over the existance of leprechauns, and soon enough, all the boys find themselves transported to the mysterious land of Imaginationland; an alternate dimension where all the made-up characters from TV, cartoons, movies, video games, and comic books live. Everything goes well, until Imaginationland is attacked by terrorists, which leads to Butters being imprisoned, Stan racing against time, and Cartman going to great lengths to get Kyle to...well, you'll just have to see it if you didn't catch it when it originally aired. Possibly some of the funniest stuff you'll ever see on South Park, the Imaginationland Trilogy is shockingly brilliant to the point of almost being a satire. Other elements, such as the return of the demonic Woodland Christmas Critters and a Stargate spoof with a faux-Kurt Russell, will leave you rolling around on the floor laughing. Whether or not purchasing this DVD, or waiting for the entire season set, is entirely up to you, but make no mistake; the Imaginationland Trilogy is the most inspired, hysterical, and smart episodes to come from South Park in quite some time."
Scissor me Timbers ~ there's a new "South Park" DVD...!
JGC | 12/31/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
""The Imaginationland Trilogy" is a series of 3 eps from Season Eleven. These eps (especially the first) were a huge hit for Comedy Central & "South Park" which saw it's highest ratings ever.
These are the three shows that this DVD includes:
Imaginationland, 10/17/2007
The boys find out that it's not always fun in Imaginationland when some terrorists pop up.
Imaginationland: Episode II, 10/24/2007
Kyle and Stan are at the Pentagon. Carton will stop at nothing to get Kyle to "pay up" and give his balls a lick-job.
Imaginationland: Episode III, 10/31/2007
Stan and Butters fight against the evils of some of the most devious Imaginationland characters.
"The Imaginationland Trilogy" had some of my favorite eps from Season Eleven. Although my favorite "South Park" ep ever has to be "D-Yikes!" (aka "Les' Bos,") which is also from Season Eleven. Do you remember this one? Mrs. Garrison learned the fine art of scissoring.
Anway, I really liked these three eps because the stories were so detailed and varied. It wasn't a typical "to be continued" trilogy. But as you already know, there isn't anything typical about "South Park.""
A Blazing World Meets Reality
tvtv3 | Sorento, IL United States | 04/07/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"SOUTH PARK has only been seen on the big screen once. Despite topically relevant humor and episodes that are large in scope, the series rarely even does two-part shows. In October 2007, the series gave fans the closest thing they are probably ever going to get to another SOUTH PARK movie with the three-part series originally titles as "Kyle Sucks Cartman's Balls" but is now being marketed as the "Imaginationland" trilogy.
This three-part series begins with Cartman and most of the rest of the crew hunting in the forest for a leprechaun. Cartman swears he saw a leprechaun and vows to catch it. Kyle doesn't believe him and signed a note that if a leprechaun actually existed, he would suck Cartman's balls. Sure enough a leprechaun is spotted and Cartman's crew attempts to capture it. However, leprechauns have magic powers and it escapes. It tells the boys that it was on a mission to warn them about a terrorist attack. Well, one thing lead to another and Stan, Kyle, Butters, Kenny, and Jimmy find themselves on a floating balloon with a strange man who takes them to Imaginationland. The boys are asked what the leprechaun told them, but just as they are about to speak, Imaginationland is attack by terrorists. The boys escape on a talking dragon, but Butters is left behind. They waken in the morning and when talking to each other realize they all had the same dream. Not only that, but Butters is missing. It's then that the boys realize that it couldn't have all just been a dream and that terrorists have actually attacked our imagination. What follows is an epic tale as the terrorist blow apart the wall that separates the good part of Imaginationland from the bad part. A massive war begins, the government captures Stan and Kyle to find out why Butters was talking about them, and Cartman sues to force Kyle to suck his balls.
The story is massive in scope and one of the more entertaining things to do is watch the scenes that take place in Imaginationland and try to spot the different characters. South Park does a lot of parodies and is often satirical so the show can get away with a lot more than many others. The show includes characters from television, films, comic books, and even advertising. I did notice that there were no Disney characters, Warner Brothers (such as Bugs Bunny), DC (Superman, Batman, etc.) or Marvel (X-Men, Spider-man, etc.) that I could see. I guess even Matt Stone and Trey Parker have certain legal boundaries that even they can't cross. Overall, the Imaginationland story-arc is one of the best SOUTH PARK episodes in the past three seasons.
The DVD includes a commentary with Matt and Trey. If you have any of the recent season releases of SOUTH PARK or the special episode DVDs, you're familiar with the mini-commentaries that the duo usually provides. With most episodes they talk for 3-8 minutes and that's it. On SOUTH PARK IMAGINATIONLAND the duo talks for almost forty minutes. The DVD also includes a few storyboards as well as two extra episodes "Woodland Critter Christmas" from season eight and "Manbearpig" from season ten. In the Imaginationland story, the Woodland Critters return to torture creatures in Imaginationland and Manbearpig escapes through a portal into the "real" world, causing Al Gore to go hysterical.
Overall, if you're a casual fan of SOUTH PARK or if you really, really, really liked the story arc, you may want to pick up IMAGINATIONLAND. If not, I'd wait until the Season 11 SOUTH PARK DVD set is released."
Michael Miller | 04/16/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I have been watching South Park ever since the pilot episode came out on the Internet when I was in the 6th grade, and I think I have seen every episode since. Needless to say, I'm a big fan. When the Imaginationland trilogy first aired, I thought to myself, "wow, they could easily just combine it all into a movie and sell it on DVD, I'd buy it". My thinking was on par with Matt Stone and Trey Parker, because sure enough a month or two later I saw the ad for the Imaginationland DVD, and bought it instantly. This movie has all the great elements of a South Park episode: Cartman going out of his way to get what he wants (Kyle as always being the culprit), countless allusions to current events (which is why the show has been so successful for so long), and of course any character you can think of that's ever been created as part of Imaginationland. The Woodland critters are back, which is incredible. To keep this short, if you like South Park, buy this...if you saw even one episode on the trilogy, buy this, if you've never heard of South Park, buy's that good.
SouthPark Imaginationland--HAHA ManBear pig Is Real.
Jose Lopez | Miami,Florida USA | 06/14/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I love How Gore Is parodied for his whining, The whole ManBear Pig is real is Super Serial. Also the Disturbing Woodland Critters is Featured. It's Really Violent and disturbing, yet Very Funny(I do not condone) And Not shocking considering it's South Park. And Say What you Want about Mel Gibson but the Man knows about Good Story Structure!