In SOUTH PARK - THE COMPLETE FIFTH SEASON, join Stan, Kyle, = Cartman and Kenny as these four characters embark on the adventure of = growing up in a small mountain town. In the fifth season, the boys = discover a governm... more »ent secret, accidentally get sent to Afghanistan and = get into an extreme slugfest when 'Big Gay Al' returns, among many more = hilarious adventures. Episodes include: * It Hits the Fan * Cripple Fight * Super Best Friends * Scott Tenorman Must Die * Cartmanland * Full screen format; Dolby Digital English Stereo; closed-captioned for = the hearing-impaired« less
"The fifth season is almost here and after the excellent season four (much better than season three, in my opinion) I can't wait. Season 5 has two of my all-time favorite South Park episodes: Proper Condom Use and How to Eat with Your Butt. Anyway, here are the season 5 episodes in all their glory so you can prepare your stomach muscles for loads of laughter come March 1:
It Hits the Fan: The S-word is becoming popular due to a tv show pursuit of higher ratings. The Knights of Standards and Practices is unleashed on the nation.
Cripple Fight: Big Gay Al is fired as scout master. This episodes marks the debut of Jimmy who is not given a warm welcome by the jealous Timmy.
Super Best Friends: A cult led by magician David Blaine brainwashes the kids.
Scott Tenorman Must Die: Cartman seeks revenge on an eighth grader. Special guests: Radiohead.
Terrance and Phillip Behind the Blow: Terrance and Phillip are breaking up??
Cartmanland: Cartman wants to use his inheritance to build an amusement park in his image (must be a fat amusement park).
Proper Condom Use: As part of their sex education training, Mr. Mackey and Ms. Choksondik get down! One of my all-time favorites.
Towelie: A stoned towel and government conspiracies can't get in the way of the South Park kids playing their video game.
Osama Bin Laden Has F**ty Pants: The boys want to help the children of Afghanistan and end up taking on the Taliban.
How To Eat With Your Butt: My favorite of this season! Kenny has a picture of his butt taken on school photo day and Cartman has it put on a milk carton. A couple with the same affliction arrive in South Park. Tears came to my eyes when I first saw this one as I was laughing so hard. Where do Matt and Trey come up with this stuff?
The Entity: Kyle is embarrassed by his visiting relative and Mr. Garrison invents a new mode of transportation.
Here Comes the Neighborhood: The boys tangle the wealthy kid Token who, in retaliation, encourages other rich families to move into the neighborhood.
Kenny Dies: Stem cell research is discussed proving yet again how up with the latest news Matt Stone and Trey Parker are when they write these shows. This episode first aired in December 2001.
Butter's Very Own Episode: Learn of the deep, dark secrets surrounding South Park's nervous little resident.
Great work Mr. Stone and Mr. Parker. Keep 'em coming!"
A Darker Park
Graboidz | Westminster, Maryland | 03/15/2005
(4 out of 5 stars)
"With Season 5 you can tell "South Park" is taking a new direction. Prior to this season you might get an occasional topical show like "Cartman's Hate Crime" where Trey Parker and Matt Stone would tackle a hot issue of the day, but for the most part up through season four, "South Park" avoided addressing current issues. Season 5 addresses the attacks of 9/11, airport security, sex education in public schools and homosexuality in boy scouts to name just a few. Cartman, Stan, Kyle, Kenny and Butters find themselves neck deep int the current events of 2001....and for the most part the shows work really well. It seems Parker and Stone realized that to amp up the shock value always found on their show, a singing Christmas poo was good, but not as good as grabbing something from the headlines and taking an unpopular, or a stance that isn't politically correct. The humor with season 5 is much darker as well. Cartman's extreme revenge on Scott Tenorman, Chef's explanation of God's plan, the actions of Butter's Mother etc...are all very dark, and twisted, but still funny. I enjoyed this season, maybe not as much as the previous four, but still found it worth adding to my collection. Just be prepared for quite a different "South Park" when you buy this collection."
Definetly Needed, so many laughs
mr.everyoneshouldlistentome | 01/24/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"The South Park kids are back yet again with what I think is, one of the finer seasons. So many great plots with so many classic moments and so much crude humor, just about every episode is classic and you should just not be without it.
Scott Tenorman Must Die: Cartman gets ripped off by the teenage Scott Tenorman which makes Cartman want to get back at him, and like most things with Cartman, it becomes one hilarious obsession. Radiohead guest stars.
It Hits the Fan: The famous episode where s**t was said 162 times. After hearing the word on T.V., everybody in South Park starts saying it which brings back an old curse.
Cripple Fight: We see the introduction of the other crippled kid Jimmy and also the return of Big Gay Al when the kids join scouts. After being thrown out for being gay, the kids try to get Al back in as leader, while the hate between Jimmy and Timmy culminates in a "CRIPPLE FIGHT".
Super Best Friends: David Blaine starts his own cult and everyone except Stan joins, realizing that the Blainians are not what they appear as. In trying to save his friends, Stan gets the help of the Super Best Friends, which consists of some of the most famous Religous heroes.
Terrance and Phillip: Behind the Blow: Terrence and Phillip break up over creative differences and the boys have to unite them for Earth Day.
Cartmanland: Cartman inherits $1 million and builds his own theme park, when Kyle develpos a hemorrhoid and begins to question whether it is worth to go on living when Cartman is happy.
Proper Condom Use: The children are subjected to sex education, thanks to Stan, by Mr. Mackey and Ms. Choksondik, in what becomes one of the most disgusting relationships ever.
Towelie: Another classic character is introduced, Towelie. A stoner towel who was developed in a secret government project and is responsible for the theft of the boys new video game system, which they will stop at nothing to get back.
Osama Bin Laden Has Farty Pants: The boys are accidentally sent to Afghanistan and must fight Osama and the Taliban in a mock looney tunes type of thing.
How to Eat With Your Butt: Kenny's "better side finds" its way onto a milk carton and a new butt-faced couple show up in South Park to find their missing child.
The Entity: Kyle's cousin Kyle shows up and is repeatedly being ditched by the boys who just can't get rid of him. Mr. Garrison creates a "different" mode of transportation.
Here Comes The Neighborhood: Token succeeds in luring other rich kids to South Park, while the other residents will do anything to get them to leave.
Kenny Dies: In one very touching episode, especially from Cartman (till the end at least)sees Kenny dying of a disease while Cartman fights for stem cell research and Stan finds trouble dealing with the loss.
Butters' Very Own Episode: Butter's comes back in his own episode, which sees him getting in all kinds of trouble, and shows the true side of his family."
Gary M. Levin | 10/29/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
Scott Tenorman Must Die- Cartman goes medieval on Scott Tenorman's ass when ginger-haired Scott tricks our supple hero into buying his pubic hair for $16.12. Radiohead guest stars and plays a role in Cartman's elaborate scheme at getting sweet revenge on his unsuspecting foe.
It Hits the Fan- The you-know-what hits the fan a 162 times when the citizens of South Park hear the word "Sh*t" on the popular show, "Cop Drama." Boffo ratings have the executives at HBC plotting further use of the curse word, as the nation is struck by a mysterious plague that unleashes the ancient Knights of Standards and Practices. Only Chef and the boys can save South Park, and the world.
Cripple Fight- Big Gay Al returns to South Park, only to be thrown out as Scoutmaster to the boys for being gay. The boys rally to his defense, with the help of the new "handi-capable" kid, Jimmy. But there's only room for one crippled kid in South Park, so Timmy and Jimmy throw off the gloves, as well as the crutches and wheelchair, in an all out slugfest to end all slugfests.
Super Best Friends- Stan, Kyle, Cartman and Kenny discover David Blaine, magician and Cult Leader. Stan finds out early that the Blainiacs are not as nice as they thought. Stan has to convince Kyle, Kenny and Cartman that they've been brainwashed... but will he get to them in time? Jesus has a few tricks up his sleeve! Super Best Friends to the rescue!
Terrance and Phillip: Behind the Blow- In the grand tradition of Wham UK, flatulant Canadian superstars, Terrance and Phillip, have broken up over creative differences. The clock is ticking as the boys struggle to reunite the fartastic duo, and recruit them in time for South Park's Earth Day festivities.
Cartmanland- Cartman inherits ONE MILLION DOLLARS from his grandmother, fulfilling his lifelong dream of owning his own amusement park, Cartmanland! A hemorrhoid erupts in Kyles' ass when he learns of Cartman's undeserved fortune, making him question the very existence of God, and whether there's a reason to stay alive in a world where someone like Cartman is happy.
Proper Condom Use- Thanks to Stan's "handy" work, the children of South Park must endure sex education from the unlikely duo of Mr. Mackey and Ms. Choksondik. While the two adults take their lessons to heart, the children are left frightened, mis-informed, and armed for battle against the opposite sex. Much hilarity ensues.
Towelie- The boys get a new video game system and their plans for the next 38 hours is to play it! Untill they discover Towelie, a government secret, genetically engineered towel that gets his special powers from... gettin' high. When the government steals Stan's new Game Sphere the boys will stop at nothing to get it back. Losing precious gaming time they find Towelie and begin the struggle of the century.
Osama Bin Laden Has Farty Pants- Who needs Special Ops when you have Cartman's fat ass on your side? After accidentally being sent to Afghanistan, Cartman (in a tribute to WWII-era Loony Toons) and the boys take on Osama and the Taliban learning that they have a lot more in common with the Afghani children than they ever realized. Go America! Go Broncos!
How to Eat With Your Butt- Cartman has finally gone to far when a prank involving Kenny's sweet cheeks results in him blowing a "funny fuse." After a photo of Kenny's better side finds it's way onto the side of a milk carton, an unusual couple arrives in South Park to claim their missing child. Much ass kissing ensues.
The Entity- Frustrated with long lines at the airport, Mr. Garrison (Herbert to his friends) invents a new mode of transportation that's "extra enjoyable" for roughly 10 percent of the population. And Kyle's cousin Kyle visits South Park, bringing his "New York sensibilities" with him - much to our Kyle's horror.
Here Comes The Neighborhood- Feeling like an outcast for being the only rich kid in town, Token succeeds in attracting several other wealthy people to South Park. Meanwhile, the townspeople, fearing that their little hamlet is rapidly going up the drain, attempt to run the new residents out of town by any means necessary.
Kenny Dies- In a very special episode of South Park, Cartman fights for Kenny's life when he speaks before Congress in favor of stem cell research. Meanwhile, Stan has trouble dealing with his f-f-friend's impending demise.
Butters' Very Own Episode- Butters is back with his very own episode! And he inadvertently reveals a deep, dark family secret about his fathers' late night "shopping" sprees. Alone and lost Butters determinedly makes his way through porn theatres and gay bathhouses in an effort get back home in time to eat at Bennigan's for his parents anniversary. A suicidal mom a perverted dad and Butters caught right in the middle of all the wackiness!
Mathew A. Shember | Cupertino, CA United States | 05/25/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This was a fun season. Many episodes touch on events of the time and take dark humor to a new level.
Out of all of them I liked: It Hits the Fan, Cripple Fight, Proper Condom use, and Butters Very Own Episode the best.
The addons are only commentaries which I haven't listened to yet.
Scott Tenorman Must Die- Cartman finds an arch-nemesis that he just can't seem to best. How far will Cartman go? Even Stan and Kyle are surprised at the outcome of a Chili cook-off. Radiohead makes an appearance.
It Hits the Fan- This was a funny episode as you have a counter on screen to keep count of the amount of times the word "**it" is said. Everybody starts saying it and in turn releases an ancient plague on the world. .
Cripple Fight- In response to a real story where a gay scout master was tossed from scouting, we have the same situation were Big Gay Al is running the local troop. Some people complain and the Scouts fire him. We meet Jimmy the "Handi-capable" kid who helps the boys try and get Al back as scoutmaster. People like Jimmy which raises the ire of Timmy. They eventually get into a major slug fest. It's wrong but I found it funny "I told you to put on the hat!"
Super Best Friends- David Blaine appears with his cult of Blainiacs. Kyle, Kenny, and Cartman join the cult and Stan tries to save them. He goes to Jesus and with the help up his Super Best Friends, they attempt the rescue. Interesting note: Mohammad is one of the friends.
Terrance and Phillip: Behind the Blow- Terrance and Phillip break up! The typical reason for the breakup? Creative differences. The boys try to get their favorite duo to reunite.
Cartmanland- Cartman inherits a million dollars. What to do? Why open a private amusement park of course! His life long dream fulfilled makes him happy. Which begs the question? If there is a God, why would he make Cartman happy?
Proper Condom Use- This was slightly disturbing. Especially when Cartman gives a dog a "redrocket" Stan shows his family and of course the outrage makes the school start teaching sexed to the kids. Who does it? Mr. Mackey and Ms. Choksondik! In turn the boys and girls separate into two groups and the girls setup a camp just like the gas facility in Mad Max II. Butters does a great impersonation of Lord Humungus. Meanwhile, Mr. Garrison teaches the kindergarten class about things such as sexual positions. For some reason the little voice saying "dirty sanchez" was funny to me.
Towelie- The boys get an Osama game sphere after Cartman discovers a used feminine product. Towelie, a genetically engineered towel escapes and visits. The game system is stolen and is offered in exchange for the towel. Forces battle over the towel while the boys play their game. "Towelie, you are the lamest character ever made" Well I kind of liked him.
Osama Bin Laden Has Farty Pants- This was a funny episode as the boys meet the Afghanistan versions of themselves. There is a loony toon tribute as Cartman battles Bin Laden.
How to Eat With Your Butt- Cartman gets a conscious? It's not possible! Is it? Cartman and Kenny play a joke. Kenny puts his cloths on so his "better end" shows out his hood. They take a photo and it appears on a milk carton. A couple with a rare disease appears. The couple does end up finding their son and give him many "kisses."
The Entity- Mr. Garrison decides to invent a new mode of transportation after standing in line at their airport for hours. Of course there are a few addons to the new vehicle.
Kyle's cousin appears from New York. He then has to try and bribe Cartman to not say anything about him. Will Cartman be able to make his $40?
Here Comes The Neighborhood- Token learns about bigotry in South Park. People don't like "Richers" He decides to get other wealthy people to move in. Of course the town has to do something to scare them away!
Kenny Dies- Kenny is diagnosed with a terminal disease. One that stem cell research might save. He speaks before Congress and even goes about trying to collect stem cell donations. Wait till you see what he will do with them! Also, Stan has problems dealing with his Kenny's demise.....
Butters' Very Own Episode- This was a fun episode simply because it's slightly disturbing. Butters follows his dad and learns some dark secrets about his dad. His mother loses it and decides Butters has to die for his own good. She sends him in the car into the river!"