When gold is discovered on lands belonging to a clan of the Dakota Indians, the area's ruthless white settlers attempt to drive the Indians away, ultimately murdering the clan's chief in front of his son, Tokei-ihto. Tokei... more »-ihto refuses to move to a reservation in an infertile area with his tribe and is incarcerated. When the Dakota Indians have been defeated and resettled, he is released, and Tokei-ihto immediately sets out to avenge his father's murder and reclaim his clan's ancestral lands. Starring Gojko Mitic, the famous Serbian actor, stuntman, director and author.
Like Spaghetti Westerns, the Red Westerns are classic American Westerns created far, far from the American West-- in this case, by Communist East Germany's legendary DEFA Film Studios. Turning the traditional American cowboy and indian movies on their head, these beautifully shot films, with plot based on historical sources, made the Native Americans the heroes, and cast the white settlers as villains.« less